Sitemap - 2024 - Colorado Accountability Project

The breaking of an industry. The burdensome regulations ain't just for ECE. Try some mazapan.

Study up on dark money. The results of speaking up--a (rare) response to an open letter. Some legal nickel knowledge.

Just as anyone who follows CPW's wolf reintroduction has suspected. What is the wildlife and habitat roundtable? CPW (finally) defines chronic depredation.

Colorado Gives and First Bank are both major donors in JeffCo. Have you ever seen Newsline articles in your local paper? What is a Donor Advised Fund?

CDOT wants yet more fee dollars. We'll all try to act surprised. Easy tells that a news source leans left. Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring

A couple of bills to watch for in the coming Assembly session. Transportation funding as social engineering and its effect rural CO. An update on OGVP's listening tour.

Speak up for your ability to know what your government is doing. Colorado Dems lose ground on county commissions. Overdrive, Libby, and Tolstoy.

An update on the Springs' urban "blight". Educate yourself Logan County, a Metro District may be coming. My testimony to the CDOT Board of Commissioners about their lack of transparency.

Does preschool attendance result in worse outcomes? RTD by the numbers. Run that by me again Colorado Sun, Trump is a danger to naturalized citizens? To green card holders?

Some things I've learned about bison as wildlife. A way to get involved and find likeminded people: Liberty on the Rocks.

Colorado Counties Inc's mouth is watering for more of your money. An excess in state coffers is never enough. Heads up Golden, Colorado residents!

A deep dive into mortality data for young people involving guns: OGVP's 2023 report, a look at Colorado data, and a look at how that data is being skewed in its reporting.

So are charter schools more diverse or not? Reducing cow methane emissions via vaccine. I don't think Hank done it this way.

Polis blames ranchers for the high cost of wolf reintroduction. An interesting juxtaposition of two Colorado rulings. Happy tone-deaf "Howlidays" from the crew over at Nexton9News.

The spending for migrants in Denver has hit about $7900 per person. Cutting through the noise on crime in Aurora.

Colorado Medicaid will now continuously enroll babies up to age 3 and prisoners for a year, post-release. By a ratio of 27 to 1, PBS used some variation of "far right" to "far left"

There is a tailpipe for EV's, it's just elsewhere. Give us your tax dollars and don't ask questions (part 2)

CDPHE's Let's Talk Guns campaign echoes gun-control and Democrat talking points

Battery Trains. No, not battery-powered, battery-carrying. Didn't Governor Polis say we were finally going to fix our damn roads? Cacti and CAM photosynthesis.

CDE calling for educator feedback on their strategic plan. Administrative Growth in Colorado Schools. Saving money on wolf reintroduction (either cutting wolves or depredation payouts)?

Bison as wildlife and livestock. Cultivando mixing in on Dolores Canyon.

Customer of Black Hills Energy? Let them hear you on price increases! Southwest Energy Efficiency Project is a lobbyist, not a neutral source. Armstrong's quasi-review of LaRue's book

Colorado Democrats move to give back to their union paymasters. Boulder's compassion problem.

Warm Cookies of the Revolution. Actually, Colorado Sun, the jury's out on solar panels helping crops grow. Denver's Green Roof Initiative.

Free River Condition. Governor Polis gets both barrels at the 11/13 Joint Budget Committee. Red Green plays me out. Back on Sunday.

Mortal Danger to Cyclists. Colorado's Gun Rights in the 2024 Election. Suing El Paso County for not getting an ERPO.

Public comment shuts down Alamosa City Council's plan. The Colorado Supreme Court orders a "slow sip" when it comes to water. An effort to bring rye to the San Luis Valley.

Cultivando crassly gloms onto a family's tragedy, with the help of CPR's Sam Brasch

I don't think we have the minerals to effect our glorious transition to renewables. The will of the people only matters when it goes the way of activists. Tell Me a Story by Robert Penn Warren.

Are we falling behind on our greenhouse gas targets? The inventory's out. Then a look at the Polis Administration's spin on same.

Skepticism that black doulas will stop bad birth outcomes. Ohio's process for solving open records requests has some merit.

Beneficial Electrification Planning for Colorado. Have you been loving the Sun and CPR's fear porn about Trump's second term?

CBI's stats on increasing our safety are skin deep. I better figure out how to set my Jitterbug over to speakerphone.

Local school funding ballot measures were a mixed bag. Will Polis be crowing about this? The El Paso election results show you that your vote matters!

Give us your tax dollars and don't ask questions. Governor Polis joins a group of liberal Democrat governors to protect us. What's common to trailer tails and bartender tricks?

Disappointing, but not surprising, results for Prop KK. A new decision on CO's law not allowing those under 21 to purchase a firearm. You should be watching CO Wolf Tracker on Facebook.

The PUC throws Xcel customers a (tiny) bone. Why chase a scoop at the (potential) cost of accuracy? A NO on the hunting ban for big cats is good, but the fight isn't over. CPW's tone deaf calendar.

Your voice is needed on local boards and commissions. How Governor Polis proposes to close the hole in the state budget. The arrogance of assuming that because you have power now, you will forever.

Stepping on local land use decisions ... again. Regulation updates--you guessed right, more of them. What the hell Pro15?!

Numbers on EVs vs. ICE vehicles. You pay more for U-hauls and rental cars so that others may spend less to ride the train up to Winter Park. A rarity: a Colorado Dem feels a press headwind.

Judicial retention results. A tough call on "curing" violations. Friday's "mixed pickle".

Never too late to turnaround and get some education. Economic inequality and mobility. What do you think? It IS a heated birdbath.

CDPHE's responses to my questions about the 350 Colorado grant. Connect for Health CO's "messaging platform" on healthcare for illegal immigrants (with a "related" bit on Connect's past bad behavior).

Denver opted you in for surveillance, you cannot opt out. Stop giving Kyle Clark so much of your valuable time. If you didn't yet, please go vote.

The culture that AG Phil Weiser has fostered at the AG's office. Palmer Amaranth and Sugar Beets: emergency approval isn't just for medicines.

Cheyenne Mountain Zoo's elephants and "personhood". Thinking about Vanguard, BlackRock and State Street. Last ditch reminder: Go and vote. And don't forget the CO State Supreme Court!

Special Saturday Edition: my plans for covering the election (I'm mostly sitting it out), and my thoughts on the recent problems with CO's election system.

Raise your hands if you're tired of the same old story from Jared Polis. As long as CDOT maintains its budget for "Road Damage" signs, we'll be okay. And, for Friday, something humorous.

Vote no: Prop KK punishes the innocent for the crimes of others. Update on Xcel giving your money to marijuana grow operations. Hey Daneya Esgar, who really raised utility rates? Hint: you.

How should we do property tax? Not just how much, but how? JeffCo knowingly overtaxed and kept your money locked down.

Clearing the air on vigilante journalism. AG Weiser's remarks on the Chevron decision with my thoughts. Prop 131: some thoughts for consideration.

Land conservation sells, but who's buying? How much (and for what) of your tax dollars are going to 350 Colorado?

A new tool for the toolbox: Free State Colorado's look at the funding for Prop 131 and Amendment 79. Also, speak up to help keep beef on the plate.

Who exactly is it that is giving the Sun $1.4 million? Why don't their policies match their actions? Lastly, 'cause it's Friday, packing silage.

Hospital facility fees stir Democrat jealousy? Colorado insurance rates will increase, Polis touts savings. The election ain't sewn up. Go and vote!

Blighting perfectly good property so a developer can get money. My God, we've got to do something in this state about fraud!

What's good for the Republicans is good for the Democrats. The State of Colorado's "takings" for EpiPens? Light a candle at CPW instead of (in addition to?) cursing its darkness

Cumulative effects rules for oil and gas as a backdoor end to the industry. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, start all over again. Heads up for school choice: watch your State Board of Ed vote!

Propensity Score Matching (PSM), another example of cargo cult science. Fly ash, concrete and unintended consequences. Happy International Sloth Day!

Violations of the Colorado Open Meetings Law by current CPW commissioners? Hunting bans can be a waste of animal life.

Progressive Myths by Huemer is on my list now. CPR's Caitlyn Kim and the game of telephone. Let's get something Strait.

A peek ahead at water/Ag legislation for the legislative session? Clarifying something from CPR's article about the Early Childhood Education Dept.

The "Safety Clause" on Colorado laws. My two cents on the ballot issues.

Socialism eventually runs out of other people's money. The Colorado Trust's free "news". My rosemary's babies.

Слава Денверу! Denver looking out for us children: making sure to keep gas stations in their place, watching our cars, keeping us free from sugary sodas.

Big cats and the Dem machine. What is big cat hunt actually like? Bad parole policy and the intersection with Prop 128. LSPWCD's double taxation violated TABOR, end of story (finally).

Save some room on your plate for local issues: keep your eyes peeled for your grey book and read it carefully!

Ceasefire Colorado's McCarron and the "normalization" of guns. Make informed choices on your State Board of Ed candidates. My working recipe for canned tomato sauce.

Budget troubles exacerbated by an oopsie from DHCPF. Wait, that dept sounds familiar... Lastly, hard times = hard choices, but whose stories get told?

What the hell is my Xcel power meter telling me? The American Indian Affairs Interim Study Committee's recommended bills.

Pueblo opts-out of the Democrats' "sensitive spaces" ban. Update on water right sales in the Lower Arkansas River Valley. A late-addition on Ranked Choice Voting.

Swampiness in wildlife policy and land conservation in the Polis administration: how some (not you silly) have outsized influence.

Good guys with guns: busting the gun control myth that armed citizens are more danger than help. First a few examples, second Colorado's FASTER program.

How much will you pay so Colorado WINS? Make the PTA keep their promise. Up on the Roof...

"Climate Doc" is not an HVAC company. Giving you the counterpoint on Justice Marquez that CPR's Whitfield won't.

Ballot Guide-a-Palooza (save some room on your plate for judges). Head's up Western Slope, vote! Logan County struggles to pay for a state mandate.

Free Speech Tuesday: a triplet of stories about one of the most important rights we have: social media, CU's faculty/students, and a SLAPP to the face.

I'm a hard no on Prop 131. The state legislature’s and Legislative Council’s wordplay re. taxpayer funded abortions: the courts are sitting this one out.

Government funding media? What could go wrong? If Speer Blvd doesn't equal arterial, then what? Prop 129 and veterinary medicine.

Blue book just arrived today.

Chesterton's localism. Xcel helping the marijuana industry on your dime. Roosevelt and polio.

Like your rights? Get involved. Johns Hopkins Extreme Risk Protection Order (Red Flag) Model Policy Guide

How high would taxes have to be to equal Colorado's HUGE (and growing) fee structure? First Gent Reis is more equal than the rest of us pigs. Produced water? Yes, it relates to Reis.

Big Dem money pours into this state (has for a while). What can you do? Showing you how to get state economic forecasts right from the horse's mouth.

RTD's got problems, but it’s got one other thing you ought to know about. There's a hole in your bucket dear Jesse Aaron Paul...

Agriculture is stewardship of the resources used to grow the food on your table: Blackshirt feedyard and grazing helps sagebrush ecosystems.

Get good at lateral reading, a guide with a couple examples to cement the concept. And, because it's Friday, a church full of hippies.

CO's no contest races. Put your attention and resources into state level races that would help elect conservatives. Disgusting double standards on "dangerous" rhetoric by CPR and the Sun.

For some in our state legislature, it's never a bad time to renew bad ideas. My open email to said legislators. And the media exploits Venezuelans too.

Don't Know Much About TABOR? Know someone else who doesn't? Uncle Sam is asking you to take his money ...

One form of speech allowed with a vote, another took the threat of legal action. Framing and misdirection in support of Prop KK (excise tax on guns and ammo)--be aware so you don't fall prey.

Show me the incentives, and I'll show you the outcome. Define: Progressive. What do you think: should the government be responsible for "cradle to grave" care?

That water we're putting on the ground to grow our food? Yeah, apparently that too is driving climate change. A two-parter on that, then, because it's Friday, a "lousy" theory.

An update on the Shoshone Power Plant's water rights. More road dollars going to transit.

I called about Logan County local government TABOR issues. You should call and ask about yours. A Free State CO interview on Ranked Choice Voting.

They're back! Xcel's proposed TOU rate changes. #HeyNext, will Kyle Clark see racism in the Michelin Stars again? Gabel is right: it hasn't just been ranchers who are victims of wolf reintroduction.

Did you vote on legalized marijuana? Regret it? Balancing the state budget by taking from counties.

Read between the lines about Xcel and grid stability. A historical note on reliable electric power. Speak up on redistricting if you live in the Springs (or share with someone who does so they can).

Updating an earlier story on Polis. Counterpoint on Initiative 138, school choice. Nuclear History Buff? Learn about Uravan.

Demographic notes: a three-parter. What are they? What did recent notes say? How can they be used to drive an agenda by politicians and advocates (e.g. the Post's Seth Klamann)?

I wouldn't blame you if you didn't give to the NRA. Rules for thee, but not for Rep Woodrow. The consequence and arrogance of one-party domination.

The limits of expertise. Attention landowners: speak up about the state's new regulations for wetlands.

Happy Labor Day

What's harmful about just a few farmers selling their water rights? I don't think the Aurora Sentinel understands or respects you.

Tamarisk and water. 9News notices the First Gentleman's poor social media behavior. Homemade Tasso Ham. Delicious.

Optics are often king in gov't purchases, trumping common sense. Federalism means freedom, the chance to live as you see fit. It's parental notification, not bans for me. How about you?

An update on the current special session. Of course the Democrats don’t pay a price for what they do in Colorado: neither by their voters or many in the media.

Polis got fact checked?! Taking my own advice. The Colorado Sun's failed Gigafact check.

But the computer tells me it's right! What makes one business more worthy of profile than the hundreds of other small startups?

The problem with laws passed in their hundreds. Your library got EBSCO?

Something to remember when RTD asks you to deTABOR this Fall. A curious CORA case. I'm an agave grandfather.

Why would anyone NOT want wind turbines? Get involved: speak up to defend agriculture and your way of life.

I wish the Colorado Second Amendment Caucus well. Misleading stats on gun violence. Progress on a CPW appointment, stalling on wolves.

Let's talk water in the Lower Arkansas River Valley: an overview, rampant water speculation, and the fallacy that fallowed land seamlessly and easily returns to production.

What are the odds that out of 115 judges, they'd vote to retain 114? Governor Polis and others celebrate spending your tax money on a slim minority of Coloradans.

Don't like the outcome? Do like Phil Weiser and Pres Biden advocate: change the rules. Get involved by helping share information on your local ballot issues. Vote Menten For JeffCo Commissioner.

Know someone struggling with student debt? Processed food may have a bad rap now, but it wasn't always that way.

A juxtaposition on Tina Peters vs. Tim Walz's Denver fundraiser coverage. "We aren’t there to do public relations [for the gov't]". How does a combine work?

Want to know how your state legislator voted and/or what they sponsored? Got your smart meter yet? Bear with me: busy time of year.

CO is now off one of the EPA's lists? Politics-based science rather than science-based politics on climate. CBO says our Federal deficit is a bigger threat, send the CO Dems an email.

Worried about the future? Now is the time to get involved! Who you are paying to teach about ERPO’s, what you’re paying for, and how much.

Reading widely: sharing an op ed on climate anxiety (and letting the Sun's op ed policy"speak for itself"). Even if you don't have PERA, I bet you'll get to bail it out.

Taking your TABOR refund by shunting it to others. CDOT's big oopsie in Poncha Springs. The SS Sansinena and inert gas systems.

We know at least what WILL NOT be on the 2024 ballot by now. An open email about yet more closed door policy from Gov Polis.

Denver's ban on slaughterhouses is a bad idea and will not just affect Denver. Speak up. To drive the point home, a look at how big an industry Ag is in Colorado.

What does an independent judiciary mean? "The tide is turning on DEI, Colorado should welcome it." Read the fine print on that Leaf lease.

Our immigration system is broken, CO Dem's choices aren't helping. Vaulted Deep storing Ag waste underground? It's like fracking but with poop.

Ignore the political handicapping--pay attention to the close races. Mesita's biodiesel plant. A thinkpiece on education.

Local race endorsements: Chandler and Menten.

A day at the dried up lake. Ditch inefficiencies and wetlands. The growing is done, time for a haircut.

Maintain a passing familiarity with who's doing what. American Policy Center's local activist training tool kit and freedom pods.

What is a Push Poll? JeffCo knows (and you paid for it). Do your local police use AI? Call and ask, then speak up if you're concerned.

Yes Mr. Hutchins, 9News does synthesize. Updates on Dolores Canyon.

Rep Willford, Former Rep DeGruy Kennedy, and Sen Fenberg put their ignorance, arrogance, hypocrisy, and lies on display when talking about ballot measures.

CO Dems eye the West Slope and open their checkbooks. Does classroom churn = rationale for gov't subsidized housing? What do you think? Should special districts want/get federal money?

Problems, incompetence (again) from CO's unemployment system while Polis enjoys a media tour. Better late than never commenting re. Xcel's gas rate. Caodaism and a Vietnamese joke.

Take a day trip to learn about rural CO. Cultivate a healthy skepticism about big change with little effort. Yet again, CO turns to Ag when we're short on water.

Government's insatiable hunger for YOUR money. Spending and creep. Government "freebie's" which ignore reality.

Performative outrage and befuddlement at the Public Utilities Commission (PUC). Where are the media looking? Where are they not? Kyle Clark's different words depending on party affiliation.

A three-parter on avian flu: the loss, notes on bio security and the technical details, and some thoughts on how this intersects with Donovan and Robert's cage-free law.

A three-parter on flood irrigation today: the process, the physics, and some scattered observations about water rights on the Eastern Plains.

Selling us the rope. Life in Craig, CO after coal. And, because it's Friday, bringing in the sheaves.

Attend government meetings, even if you can't speak up. HB24-1107 is about putting you, as an ordinary citizen, into a different, lower class than high-density developers.

Ah, Boulder Colorado. An oversight (and some plumber union featherbedding) which needs to be fixed. Is Polis sending homeless people to my hometown?

An update on the 2021 bill "Protect Personal Data Privacy". You should read "fact checks" just as skeptically as any other form of reporting.

An update on Sen Winters' ethics complaint. The costs of switching from methane to hydrogen.

Trump. Right to Repair has its limits? What do you think? Our Colorado unelected boards and their “presumptive right”.

Gas prices are going up, this time to "fix your damn roads". Concerned about the energy policy in this state and how it's being decided? So far reformulated gasoline hasn't made prices skyrocket.

Denver's (delayed) sidewalk fee. Wild horses: the romance vs. the reality. A bee lawn update.

Something to make you think: should the government be involved in trying to fix past wrongs? Where should our focus be when it comes to past wrongs?

The little figlets. What is freedom to you?

FAMLI by the numbers. An approximate rural electoral college? What is Wheat Ridge PD doing with drones?

Rural/Urban divide: healthcare. The “failed” Colorado Option. Live in or near Logan County and have an interest in land use policy?

Are your damn roads fixed yet? A look at the enterprises from SB21-260. Where's the money?

How important is it to you to know who Polis would smoke marijuana with? Protecting the Dolores means locals should have a say. Pulling the reins on government spending, part 2.

One way to counter your truth bias. First drafts of Blue Book language are coming out. Did you sign up? You should. Force fields are not sci-fi.

What is NOT in CIVHC's (or the Sun, or CPR) study about the cost of gun violence. The ongoing cost of migrants (watch out UT we're shipping them to you now).

Zorn: romance v reality for trains. Yesterday was resistance to you keeping your money, apparently none for them redistributing yours though. Lastly: a plum graft update.

Get involved in land use policy. When you rein in gov't spending, expect resistance (even if things are not as apocalyptic as the gov't tells you).

Media Monday The Sequel! Whose are the Voter Voices? A reasonable thing to remember when assessing an article. No, Kyle Clark shouldn't moderate the presidential debates.

Would you shoot one of Colorado's wolves? The legislature kneecaps a ballot measure ... again. Gov Polis' bill-signing pen must be so hot, it's glowing.

Let's have an intervention: speak up against RTD's "geographic" cure. Meditations on alternative licensure for teachers. In case you thought becoming a mechanic just meant turning wrenches...

Government Transparency Wednesday--updates and new business.

CBI now has authority to investigate some gun crimes, how do they intend to use it? What can Power Pathways teach us about land use and renewables? Sen Hansen = Pinnocchio.

Heads up Western Slope: you are the CO Dem's target. If this worries you, get organized. Something fun from the garden.

What do you think about paying farmers for water conservation? Oh my gosh! Now RMPBS is fact-checkin! The availability heuristic.

An open email to the Governor of Colorado, Every Democrat legislator, and the Public Utilities Commission Board about their absurd energy policy.

My settlement with the State of CO after they shut me up over Gov Polis and wolves. Watch for and get involved with your Grey Book. Humility squares -- fact or fiction?

House Democrat Majority Leader Duran misleads the public on her gun control measure with the assistance of the Post's Nick Coltrain.

An update on the ethics complaint against Senator Faith Winter. Got a smart meter? Get ready for higher prices. Free State Colorado and Menten do a video update on property taxes.

Is the state ethics commission trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube? Get involved, even if you're a teen. Pay attention to your local DA race if you care about crime.

Does AG Weiser's support of abortion extend to making others pay for it against their beliefs? Booth's lopsided Sun story about feedlots.

What is peer review? Hey Lower South Platte Water Conservancy District, let it the f**k go. The buck on continuing UEI screwups stops with Polis.

When EV's age, they lose battery capacity. Seeing Polis from the other side. This has been a banner year for cactus flowers.

Logan County opted out of the state's restriction on carrying firearms. Imagine if journalists covered abortion like they did guns. Don't know much about Adam Smith ...

Colorado following the Fed’s example on environmental boondoggles? What about the water rights that closing coal plants had? Hey CDPHE, steam is not smoke.

Transgender-related Initiatives #142 and #160. If it were MAGA, not Gaza, would the media be quiet? Buy green onions at the store ...

A call for the reasonable, centrist residents to start speaking up. Taking my own advice: read past the headline! Get involved: run for a nonpartisan board.

Get involved with crafting Blue Book language (no, you don't need to be an expert). Electrifying oil and gas, the not secret load on our grid. Colorado's Budget and Demography.

Our two-faced governor: CO Open Meetings law is important ... for some. Updates on Ranked Choice Voting. And, because it's Friday, Robert Frost's The Exposed Nest.

Rare truth escaping from Polis' mouth (heat pumps aren't our saviors?). Then let's pick apart the CEO's report to the Public Utilities Commission. Hint, you'll be paying more for energy!

Media Wednesday: consolidation is just as bad in local as national news, the Post's Seth Klamann and word choice, and the tone deaf hypocrisy of the Estes Park Trail Gazette.

A couplet on Front Range Rail: what can we learn from FasTracks and when is an auspicious time to reach into your pocket? Colorado's Clean Slate Act goes into effect.

Remember the meaning of the day.

How do you say government waste, without saying government waste? Sonnenberg is my choice for the June CD4 primary, why he should be yours. The importance of relevance when reading medical journalism.

An appellate ruling on CU Med's COVID vaccine policy. PTEC an interesting school model. A root cellar hack for small spaces or apartment dwellers.

The referenda coming on your 2024 ballot. Dude where's my TABOR? It's time to start building a conservative political machine like the Dems have.

Why you should consider getting a generator. Many appointed lawmakers are going to face election. Sandra Fish wants your political flyers, keep her with a ready supply.

Speak up locally on concealed carry and students preferred names in school. The legislature shutting you out of the political process.

Yesterday was how much we pay for education, today is what we get for our money. CO House Dems kill construction defects reform.

Denver's immigration problem: a town hall. If you are paralyzed running from the cops, who's at fault? Does CO really underfund its schools?

More secret backroom deals with big business. The state is now looking to put more rules on "midstream" natural gas production. An update on my bee lawn.

The Pulizter for Propaganda Goes to The Washington Post. Yet another chance for Governor Polis to bloviate unchecked.

CFOIC's legislative wrapup. An update about the fight over how to define and regulate wetlands. Is Lakewood going to follow in Denver's footsteps (again)?

Teachers' Unions: words don't match actions. Colorado House Democrats voting down bills that would make you safer.

A CAPTA fee on your car insurance? Gun "language" and a primer for doctors. Related: the unintended consequences of gun control policy.

Happy Mother's Day! No fair! The river guardians were just supposed to make us feel righteous, not stop anything! An update on the homeless man in Lafayette who sued the city.

The Fenberg Rider--you don't mind paying more right? Pay careful attention to how the state fixes its budget oops: it's your money. F1's, like mules, are sometimes sterile.

Why on earth is the Colorado Attorney General at a groundbreaking for a Cargill Housing Development? What did the Glass jury forewoman hope for with her media tour?

Colorado Democrats don't seem to have a lot of faith in your ability to know what you want: they skirt asking your approval when taking your money and bristle at attempts to rein them in.

Goop on my fruit trees to stop aphids. Updating the ballot measure on hunting mountain lions. The AW ban is dead, for now.

Update on the UPK rules and curriculum. The Dems on the Colorado Senate Transportation and Energy Committee to rural Colorado: let them eat Starlink

Media Sunday: being a part of the solution for factual, accurate journalism on guns, 9 orders of magnitude of fact-check, and who is CPR's Brasch NOT listening to?

Should the policymaking process be so rushed as to allow no time for thought? Price shocks from ozone nonattainment and cage free chickens. A better year for blueberries (I think).

Regulatory Tug o' War: legislators and environmentalists vs. building owners (and, frankly, reality). Landfill fees are going up. Armstrong on listening.

DPS students call for heat pumps. How much should we listen? Impact fees: what are they? Are some unconstitutional? Who are the Sun's donors?

Gentrification on the march! How to raise money ... with ActBlue's help. An update to Aurora's plan to buy water from the Arkansas Valley watershed.

Sneaking a study about cutting beef consumption into the news? The technology might change but the humans don't. What do you think: should rurals shut down their land to urbans?

Educational Choice = Opportunity. Speaking of education, learn up on forced pooling. The AQCC is changing its rules, you can speak up in the process.

Part 2 of Augmented Synthetic Control: Cargo Cult Science. This time, we build a synthetic California and discuss its validity. Plus a look back at synthetic Connecticut.

Augmented Synthetic Control: Cargo Cult Science, hocus pocus with fancy words. More Democrat politician troubles that appear as from nowhere. The only instrument I am by now qualified to play.

Sen Fenberg once again shows how little he values citizen input. HB21-1105 fees to CEO, where are they going? EOC's financials: where is the money going?

Do as you're told on housing density and renewables and everything will be fine. CPW is dragging their feet & Polis won't show leadership.

Some nickel knowledge: flood vents. NPR seems to miss the point on a former colleague's criticism. Like weeds popping in Spring, the legislature's newest enterprise.

Working against climate change as "energy assistance"? What are the real costs of renewables (& a bonus tool for wealthy Boulderites to amuse themselves with)? And, because it's Friday, Woden's Day.

Sen Roberts and Reps McCluskie & Lukens use your TABOR surplus to fix the economy they helped blight. Concealed Carry and Public Health with a Dr. Betz Interview.

The numbers on energy assistance, and where it's going, don't lie. ECE's new rules for the state's UPK program. Being humane, even to animals you may not like.

Chase Woodruff's masterpiece of starting with advocacy and then writing "news" around it. Get involved. Learn how to effectively (and assertively but not aggressively) speak up and speak out.

Front Range Rail: you didn't really mind paying for the same thing twice right? Frustrated by the Democrats thumbing their nose at transparency and open meetings law?

Polis' and CO Dems' claim of "data-driven" gun policy doesn't hold water. Someone illegally having a gun at UCCS adds to discussions of a ban for all. Caldara and Kopel's infuriating rundown on guns

Your chance to vote on a measure about bail for murder suspects. If you start college and don't finish, who bears the responsibility? Chamomile teas for the bees.

Governor Polis' Department of Labor bungles while both he and his Department of Health Care Policy & Financing publicly lie.

Sen Winter's problems with alcohol didn't happen overnight. Updating the TABOR lawsuit against LSP Water Conservancy. DeGruy's income redistribution scheme ... with your TABOR refund.

Lawsuit caps are not there to be heartless. Polis keeps touting Canada drug importation. Is that a conflict with reality?

Williams' GOP v Sun Reporter Fish: 2 things can be true at the same time. Then: what do you think about welfare, dry farming?

A telling juxtaposition about our state budget. Open the Books? Yes. It's our money. Hey Dolores Canyon, you're next!

Energy density two ways: our grid and our food. Because it's Friday, we finish with some Donne.

A Land Use 3-fer: the Colorado Energy Office study on our grid, then their revised policy on where to site renewables, and the Democrat's effort to define wetlands and give CDPHE the decision.

White Nose Syndrome in bats likely ain't helping the harm from the wind turbines. I suspect Polis wanted to meddle, just not be SEEN meddling. Fool me once ...

The state Supreme Court just added another possible burden to landlords. If there's one thing this state needs more of it's appointed board members!

Remind politicians: it's not your money, you didn't earn it. An update to Arapahoe County's "Harm Reduction Van". Give Weiser a chance to sue and guess what he'll likely do?

Media Friday: Mr. Hutchins, by their fruit shall ye know them, the Durango Herald gets political, and, because it's Friday the Qur'an and Shakespeare

As goes Glenwood Springs energy customers, so we all go in Colorado? Speak up for school choice. It matters. An update on "For Cause" evictions, a progressive centerpiece

Another reason to support TABOR (not just the refunds). Counterpoint to my contention that wolverines will be used as an environmental "lever". Thoughtless policy results in costs and consequences.

Like with most of what he says, Gov Polis' "end of the oil and gas wars" comes with caveats. Ambivalence about a bill. How to get more involved in halting the Dolores takeover.

Yep, your U-Haul will help fund the dream of passenger rail if Fenberg's bill passes. CPR asks those here illegally about the current border crisis. Will they ask those here legally?

The money we're putting into DEI in education could be spent much better. Two news stories, both alike in dignity. Kyle Clark pooh poohs while Dems eat away at oil and gas.

Who picks (and how) the things in OGVP's Resource Bank? Rep deGruy Kennedy drops most of his Primary Care Doc bill. CO Assembly: rules for thee but not for me!

Grid-scale batteries will enable us to have only renewables right? When the air quality regulations start coming for Ag, will you be ready? Super singles and soil compaction.

CPW and Governor Polis' "Colorado for All" in practice. The arrogance of Colorado's one party rule. Attorney General Weiser's latest hire to help rural Colorado.

Aurora Water insists it's not buy and dry. I'm skeptical. Some CO Dems crassly hold out on rural broadband for another state enterprise. Early garden notes prior to a few days off.

Not okay Weld County, and probably not legal either. 2 things I take from complaints from CO's newly-minted public union about CO Dem leadership. Lastly a quick reminder about electricity vs. gas.

CO's nanny state: you don't know what's best for yourself, you need nudging. Contrast CO's approach to power with NC's. Rep Kipp's forced electrification.

Did you know railroads in CO can exercise eminent domain? An energy bill two-fer on March 20th. Related: Dem policy steps on wildfire mitigation? If I can do it, so can you!

Is Ms. Peif from Complete "vexatious", esp after winning her open records lawsuit? Rep Woodrow bringing DC swampiness home to CO. And CO Dems' past gun policy just brings more.

CO Dems call foul on Biz fees, ignore their own. CO's Judiciary back at it: cover ups, swampy behavior. You know, the usual. Interesting arguments against Thiry's ballot measures. Worth a read.

"This project is only possible with [taxpayer money]." Is the mobile harm reduction van in Arapahoe County different than proposed safe use sites? Keeping the (teachers' union) paymasters happy.

Yes, Colorado law limits awards for both the injury itself and pain and suffering. What can you do about Metro Districts? Meat In Day is coming, got you a list of events.

The Sun's facile arguments about oil regulations and drilling. The bill to pack the AQCC is up for committee 3/14. The bulbs are starting to come up, but we still got plenty of winter left!

An update on the CORA request bill HB24-1296. SB24-159, which ends drilling in CO, is up for committee on 3/14. It's time to put a stop to extreme ballot box proposals re. animals.

Share this with a builder and/or your county building codes office. Money is speech. Denver sends me "an opportunity to connect newcomers with housing"

Just when you thought Denver wouldn't get any more expensive. CPR's environmental reporting fails to ask relevant questions ... again.

If you offer food at no cost to everyone, more people will take it. What is the PTC rebate and how does it intersect with TABOR refunds?

Polis' CPW appointees get a NO from Senate Ag. Know who is on the boards and commissions that increasingly run CO. Grading meat is voluntary and costs the producers money.

Special Saturday Edition: an appeal for letting local people have a voice in what happens to their area, a chance for you to speak up.

A "climate lever" to move your recalcitrant butt into action. Know who's spending your money (part 2). And, because it's Friday, let's travel to Flavor Country with MPF!

No, our system was built to run on tension. Sen Fenberg apparently had enough discussion, SB24-157 snuck out of committee yesterday. Would you trade less crime for a move toward a surveillance state?

CO Dems put forth a bill to pack the AQCC. What can Britain's current protests tell us about socialized/nationalized medicine?

Funny Mr. Sondermann, I was taught that I'm responsible for my choices. Reactions to Do Better Denver are telling. Vermont dairy's plan illustrates a better way than Colorado's current paradigm.

CO State Board of Ed rules threatening the ability of some to get the education they want? An update on legislators voting to give themselves a raise. Know who gets your tax money to give to renters.

Bugs as the next set of roadblocks? EarthRights International says the quiet part out loud. Coloradans for Responsible Wildlife Management calls for cooperation between sportsmen and Ag. I agree.

Terrible new ozone bill, SB24-165, just now out. A good idea, SB24-092 fixes for energy codes, up for committee soon. And, because it's Friday, the myth of Oregon Trail sourdough starter.

Another layer on the regulatory onion. House Dems kill a bill strengthening sentencing for violent offenders. Lastly, House Dems vote down felonies for gun theft.

Be aware: lots of places will likely be talking safe storage. A bill that might fly under the radar but an exemplar of what policy should be in this state.

Taxes are up, costs are up, but our state still offers $$$ to lure events. Honest guys, it's not a tax on consumers, sincerely! AG "misinformation" bill out of committee on a party line vote.

Keep those per diems coming! Especially since taxpayers pay! "Colorado has become a glaring example of what not to do when it comes to business policy."

Government transparency isn't that important right? Putting limits on civil asset forfeiture. What is a wetland? Who decides?

HB1005, an unelected political appointee to having way too much say in healthcare. Another run at government-run drug dens. Some physics for Friday: V has no meaning, only deltaV does.

You didn't really want a gas-powered car or a gas furnace right? Legislative studies aplenty, what do you suppose they'll find? Brave progressive lawmakers soldiering on despite low pay!

HB24-1014 adds to biz's legal burden. A couple of bills on farming and ranching you should support. Go easy on 'em Polis, House Dems just took the heat off you.

When do we stop assisting suicide? Potatoes and Shoshone Power--water rights matter. When the demand for racism exceeds the supply.

A notable statistic from the DMV. "For cause" eviction bill is back and adds another layer to the regulatory onion. A new suit about wolves.

Recently-suggested changes to Colorado's school funding formula. Thoughts on classroom vs. planning time. The state struggles to put names in its checking register, should we trust them run our lives?

Everyday Coloradans are paying more so the wealthy can have EVs. CO House Dems further limit debate and yet again silence dissent. Lastly because it's Friday, shivaree.

Rest easy, the Progressives running this state know what's best for you. The media drive polarization, they don't just amplify it. Media obtuseness on "sanctuary" cities.

Land use bill for renewables--you didn't like local control did you? Are plant-based alternatives really better for the environment? Involved in outdoor recreation in some way in Colorado?

High Priority Habitat? CO Dems open the floodgates on gun control. Just how much of a "Colorado for All" is it?

CO Democrats seem eager to vest our AG with a lot of power: first tackling "misinformation", then making sure merchants help track gun purchases. Lastly, a helpful spreadsheet of Colorado legislators.

Hot chocolate and a reason you should be speaking up, and then some counterpoint on that. Single payer healthcare study is in committee 2/7.

Climate anxiety yesterday, climate complaining today. Do you have a right to happiness or just to pursue it? The early birds of false spring.

Missing details when toting up the cost of emergency care. The ironies of Polis' Office of Saving People Money on Healthcare. Climate anxiety and the media's role?

Denver adds a burden of extra time to that of their regulations. Who's ready for another enterprise (and fees)? Oh, and the Sun's "coincidental" article cheerleading it.

If his bill passes deGruy Kennedy's real legacy will be yet more gov't intrusion. What are the limits on your right to free speech in the state capitol? And, a novel argument for school choice.

Monday Media Day: Kyle Clark puts words in the mouths of R's, but not D's. Yes Virginia media narratives DO exist. CoPo covers Boebert and her husband then covers Pettersen but ....

Stay informed on TABOR/ballot issues with More of the Polis administration's "local control" that's anything but? Stay balanced with this op ed.

My endorsement of Jerry Sonnenberg for CD4.

I wonder when and if environmentalists will be satisfied. I also wonder when the Democrats running this state might consider saying no to them. Japan's Unit 731, medical experiments, and war crimes.

Join me in speaking against $3000 to recently released prisoners. A big thanks to Prez Fenberg and Rep Marshall for their stalwart (and costly!) defense of secret voting.

Let's do another lesson on 30 x 30, looking at it from a couple viewpoints.

A new front opening in the attack on gun rights? What is a sunrise review? Speak up for sanity Colorado's energy policy.

Education Day: an update on religious instruction in UPK, thoughts on troublesome students, and lastly join me in supporting a bill that provides an alternate licensure pathway to special ed teachers.

The indirect burden Democrat policy puts on business. Initiatives 85 and 86 are out for signature--like having a choice in how you heat your home? Sign the petition. Like buying the wealthy EV's?

Denver's 5 year plan on climate means they have to know how my tenant cooks his food? Nederland's river guardians? A new semester, and a new dad joke for my repertoire.

CO Dems want Single Payer Health Insurance. Again. A most astounding thing: NPR reports that EV's have trouble in the cold. NPR! Percent increase in risk needs to be put relative to current risk.

Show up, stand up, speak up: take Independence Institute's training to help you learn how. Pugliese's response to Polis' State of the State.

Countering the narrative that the Colorado Option works and is saving people (esp rural people) money. Speak up for a bill to force Polis-appointed committees to hold listening sessions.

Ranked Choice Voting: An analysis of Marshall Zelinger's and Kyle Clark's Nexton9News infomercial, then some important things to know about it.

CPW's Director Davis apologizes to legislators, asks for feedback on wolves. Meantime CPW Commissioners shut down citizen feedback: they prevented me from finishing my testimony.

Your tax dollars going to help fund people who get in trouble with their HOA? Banning farmland sales to foreign adversaries? I knew about Scottsbluff, but did you know CO hosted POW's too?

Give FreeStateColorado a look for weekly updates on the Assembly. Do intensive services provided to house people pay off? Getting your tax money requires it, so what do you think studies say?

Apprenticeships don't always mean construction trades. The thin end of the wedge on gentrification. Join a local board.

The Assembly session starts tomorrow. Below is a guide for how to navigate their website, a bill page, and where to find info on how to speak up.

Our media obligingly (and uncritically) forward what they're told about "stakeholder" meetings. Senate President Fenberg misunderstands incentives. Oh those airplanes and their leaded fuels!

Yet more "science" used to justify policy that leaves out details. Yes, Virginia, diversity matters (sometimes). Gov Polis indulges the human tendency to pigeonhole people.

Point/Counterpoint by Democrat/Republican Assembly leadership. Question the "experts" even when it's an expert witness. Lastly, quorums: bacterial, not legislative.

Changes coming to the silos near my house? Glowing soybean plants? Lastly, be watchful for the Assembly’s attempts to change the initiative and amendment process.

Dusty Johnson has my vote. No easy answers on property taxes and fire districts. Lastly, a vocab lesson. Let's learn about "biodiversity".

Employers are still (STILL) paying off Colorado's unemployment binge from COVID. Show up: CPW is having a meeting, read my open email and join me in signing up for comment (whether you ranch or not)

Let's start talking about 30x30 (if you know here's a chance to speak up). CPW's response to Gabel and Pelton. Speak up for local control unless you want Denver and Boulder running your life.