Blue book just arrived today.
My 2024 Blue Book just arrived. If yours hasn't, I bet it will be there soon.
If you want a jump on it, you'll find a link to the electronic one below.
Open to a suggestion? I like to read through the measures early. Early meaning now or in the next week or so. I take notes on the front cover of my book. If I'm for something, I write my impressions as to why (in summary form, quick jotted notes). If I'm against a measure, I put my initial impressions as to why. If I'm undecided, I put some arguments for both.
I then put the book somewhere safe til my ballot comes and put my thoughts on the measures to bed. When my ballot arrives, I scan the front cover for my initial thoughts, see if I still agree and vote accordingly (it's rare, but I have changed my mind between writing and ballot).
If I can't come to decision I'm comfortable with on any measure, I vote NO. Good ideas can always come back but policy is harder to change.
Other ways to do it and if you have methods of your own, please feel free to add. More than anything else, just take a minute to read.
Now, the Blue Book is good to read, but it's not perfect. Let's call it a good start. I would recommend reading other things, opinion pieces on both sides of any given issue as well as ballot guides.
I will be posting some of the ballot guides that are out there (as well as op eds, etc.). I've done some of this already, but I'll be doing more.
Lastly, whatever your thoughts are, whatever you think about any individual issue, vote. Whether we agree on everything or not, vote. Tell your friends and neighbors to do the same.
For a second I thought someone had sent me a phone book