We know at least what WILL NOT be on the 2024 ballot by now. An open email about yet more closed door policy from Gov Polis.
We know at least what WILL NOT be on the 2024 ballot by now.
The Sun article below lists 8 of the measures that stood a reasonable chance of making it on the ballot and that we now know will not be on our 2024 ballot.
Screenshots 1 and 2 show the list.
Mixed bag for me. Some I'm glad to see not making the ballot and some I am sad to see not on the ballot.
I'll leave it to you to read the article for yourself, but there is something I would like to mention.
Initiative 142, the one that would have required parental notification if a child expresses at school that they feel a different gender than their biological sex, is not going to be on the ballot, but if this issue is a passion for you, you have one move left to make.
HB24-1039, linked second below, requires schools to come up with a policy to accommodate a student's desire to be called by a different name and/or pronoun than the ones given by parents and nature. Left out of the bill language, however, is any requirement or lack of requirement that parents be notified.
I'm not a lawyer, but I believe this opens the door to some discretion by schools with regard to notifying parents when a child expresses a desire to be called by a different name.
If you are concerned about issues like these, I would recommend that you do as I did at my own school board meeting earlier this week: go tell them about this law and ask that they include parental notification (to the extent possible by the law) in their policy. Then tell others to do same.
There may not be an initiative to vote on, but that doesn't mean that you can't still advocate.
An open email about yet more closed door policy from Gov Polis.
I'm not sure about you, but it chaps my rear to see Polis repeatedly turn to backroom negotiations to get what he wants done.
We could agree or disagree about the end product, but I find it irritating to think that big decisions are made by a few, in a closed meeting that no one from the public is allowed to see. We (the people and we the businesses of Colorado) get to deal with the outcome; we just don't get to see who was at the table and what was said.
None of this screams "representative democracy" to me.
Apparently, Gov Polis and a few legislators are negotiating with Advance Colorado over Advance's ballot measures on property taxes (see the CPR article below). According to the article, Governor Polis et. al. are trying to trade a special session for property tax relief to get Advance to withdraw their ballot measures.
You know, because the legislative solutions have been so successful so far.
Again, put aside whether or not you want the solution to be Advance's proposals or the legislature's, and think process. You and I and every other Coloradan should be party to this in the exact same way we should be party to any other government business conducted in our names and which we'll be affected by.
I sent an email to Polis, Advance Colorado, and the legislators mentioned in the CPR article as participating in negotiations to urge them to open the negotiations up to the public.
That email is below.
An open letter to Advance CO, Gov Polis, Senator Hansen, Rep DeGruy Kennedy, and Senator Kirkmeyer re. backroom negotiations on property taxes
Good afternoon all,
My name is Cory Gaines. I'm a resident of Logan CO Colorado. I'm writing re. the CPR article linked at bottom. I am also posting a copy of this email to my writing outlets.
Ah the sound of history repeating for Governor Jared Polis as he is apparently instigating more closed door negotiations, this time over property taxes.
This follows a closed-door session the governor had with big oil companies (not locals and not local companies mind you) and big name environmental interests to put a fee on all oil and gas companies to pay for transit. This is a fee that all pay mind you, it's just not one that all got to be present to discuss.
This follows a closed-door session our governor had with Altria (the tobacco giant) to buy their acquiescence for his Prop EE tax. Like the above, some of those affected by the deal the governor struck weren't able to be in the room although they sure get to feel the effects of the deal.
And now we turn to the current negotiations. One wonders which groups will get to pay, but not participate this time.
I urge all on this email to make the negotiations a matter of public record. To let the citizens and businesses of Colorado have their due: transparency and openness in how their policy gets made.
Governor Polis is a big one to shame others for not acting in accordance with what he calls the "Colorado Way". Well governor, now's your chance to let your actions match your words.
Let's all follow the Colorado Way here and open up your dealmaking to all so that everyone can see who is involved, what was traded and by whom, and what was not.
Speaking of gov't business behind the scenes: apparently our one-party rule has made things more expensive in more ways than just for you and I.
The poor lobbyists are also paying through the nose. Quoting the Axios breezer below:
"The fact Democrats hold universal power at the Capitol is another factor driving lobbying spending, particularly from business interests. Lobbying income increased by nearly 50% since the party took control of the Legislature and governor's office, the [Denver] Post found."
Why? No need to negotiate or to try and find compromise. Quoting again:
"In prior years with a partisan split in the House and Senate, most controversial legislation died."
So, I'm glad that ballot initiatives like Advance's are forcing Democrats to the negotiating table, but I wish said negotiating was public. At least with lobbyists you can (if motivated enough and here is something the Colorado press does a decent job at) trace back to who is spending and on what.
And spend is apparently what they're doing. Wonder if there are correspondence courses to become a lobbyist ...