Special Saturday Edition: an appeal for letting local people have a voice in what happens to their area, a chance for you to speak up.
"Please contact Senators Bennett and Hickenlooper and ask that local voices [those of the residents of Gateway, CO] are considered"
Hear hear!
I know I said yesterday's was the last post til Sunday, but this came up and I felt it important enough to share.
The link below is to the Van Winkle Ranch FB page (worth a follow if you're on social media and esp if you are interested in learning about Ag in this state) where they discuss how a group of environmentalists have sought to go over the heads of local residents and get a Presidential designation for the Dolores River from about Gateway CO to the state border. More details in their post.
That is, environmentalists are doing all this without having even bothered to talk to residents. Not okay.
I urge you to follow me in calling Senator Hickenlooper's and Bennet's offices to tell them to ask that local voices be considered.
To help facilitate that, I put links to their pages below. Whether you live there or no, this issue affects us all because if they can do something like this to Gateway, they'll be emboldened to do it in other regions.