Show up, stand up, speak up: take Independence Institute's training to help you learn how. Pugliese's response to Polis' State of the State.
Show up, Stand up, Speak up.
The Independence Institute regularly runs trainings on how to get involved in this state--whether that's learning how to get involved in local government, how to sharpen your skills re. speaking up, or, for the very involved, how to run for office.
There is an upcoming training on February 1 on getting involved in local boards and local government.
There is more info and a signup in the link below which I will leave it to you to read up on.
Before wrapping this one up, I want to say a couple things.
One, I attended the local government training (the one offered on Feb 1) and found it worth the time.
Two, I want to leave you with a quote from the page:
"Stop complaining and take back your country by taking back your community."
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Some important notes from Rep Pugliese's response to Polis' state of the state address ...
I read Rep Pugliese's recent response to Polis state of the state address and there were a couple of ideas that I thought were powerful and I wanted to excerpt them for you.
I put a link to the whole thing at the bottom, there are lots of good things there and I recommend you read it in full, but the quotes below relate to an idea that has been weighing on me recently.
"I am personally not opposed to transit. I think there can be benefits to it. However, because of the differences in our Colorado communities, transit is not feasible in all parts of Colorado. Investments in transit will benefit a small area of the state; however, those investments come from all Colorado taxpayers, even those in the rural areas where there will probably never be transit. Is this a 'Colorado for All?'"
"While I appreciate that both the speaker of the House and the governor addressed the need for the ability to 'disagree better,' I am afraid giving the Republicans an opportunity to disagree and offer our ideas is not on the Democrats’ agenda. I would like to believe it is but let us count together the number of times we are silenced by the majority this session. I bet it will not take long to begin."
These two ideas encompass a good deal of my personal frustrations with regard to this state. Rural Coloradans, conservative Coloradans have no voice here.
Our concerns, our needs, what works best in our opinion for our lives are nearly completely ignored at the state level. This is despite the pretty rhetoric we get from state level elected officials.