An open email to the Governor of Colorado, Every Democrat legislator, and the Public Utilities Commission Board about their absurd energy policy.
An open email to the Governor of Colorado, Every Democrat legislator, and the Public Utilities Commission Board about their absurd energy policy.
I read the Sun article I linked to at bottom and got frustrated enough at the absurdity of energy policy in this state to write and send the open email below.
As I allude to in the last line: I would find this funny if I didn't have to pay the bill.
I would like to thank the reader who built a spreadsheet of legislators for their help in writing this email. It's only valid til the next election, but if you'd like to have a copy, you'll find it here.
Email follows:
An open email to the Governor of Colorado, Every Democrat legislator, and the Public Utilities Commission Board about their absurd energy policy.
Hello to all,
My name is Cory Gaines. I am a lifelong resident of Colorado. I currently reside in Logan County and I am a captive customer of Xcel Energy. I wrote this open email out of frustration and am sharing it with all my readers (and the public in general) because I have the sense that the frustration I feel is shared by many.
I have no other choice than to purchase the electricity and gas used to cook my food, heat my home and water, cool my home in summer, and keep my computer running so I can do all the work that a teacher must do at home to keep a classroom running.
The Public Utilities Commission is supposed to help protect me from the kinds of abuses that a monopoly could inflict upon its captive customers, but when I read the Colorado Sun article (linked at bottom for reference), I couldn't help but pick up a sense of how farcical the situation Colorado customers are in.
The PUC commissioners in the article, while voting to enact Xcel's latest cash grab, bemoan it, and the article points clearly to the Democrat policy that instigated this price increase.
The Democrats. meanwhile, empanel commissions to investigate the PUC and how Xcel is jacking up prices on consumers. Colorado's governor, not wanting to sit this one out, asks the PUC to investgate how Xcel can't keep the power on during a wind storm in Boulder.
And the wheel takes another turn.
I am reminded here of a circle of people, each with his or her finger out pointing across the circle and saying, "them!"
Is this effective governance? Is this what Coloradans can expect from complete one-party rule of this state: that while their utility bills rise, and rise, and rise, those running the show investigate the rising utility prices and poor performance the PUC is forced into by the very policy those same people enacted?
It would be funny if I weren't worried about yet more rising costs every time I open an article about the PUC.