There is a tailpipe for EV's, it's just elsewhere. Give us your tax dollars and don't ask questions (part 2)
There is a tailpipe for EV's, it's just elsewhere.
The line above is actually part of a quote from the video linked below. The full quote is (from about the 5:33 mark):
"In effect, there is a tailpipe for EV's, it's just elsewhere. They emit carbon dioxide elsewhere. They cause pollution elsewhere, in other countries. And apparently environmentalists who used to say 'it's one earth, we worry about the planet', only care about the planet in their garage. They don't care about the planet in Africa where the environmental challenges occur and where you can push all the social challenges in the fragile economies."
There is more in the video below, but in keeping with the focus on the theme in the quote above, I refer you especially to the discussion that begins in the video at the 4:35 mark.
That part is a brief rundown on all the materials that go into an EV and all the fossil fuels burned to gather and process them.
But, as Mr. Mills, the man speaking in the video puts it, those don't matter because they're not happening in Boulder, or Denver, or other places where these cars are being bought in abundance (with heavy subsidies paid for by you and I of course -- see the related content).
Caldara's op ed on how you and I got to subsidize his recent vehicle purchase.
Turns out it isn't just the tailpipe that's elsewhere for EV's, it's the cost too.
Give us your tax dollars and don't ask questions (part 2)
I posted in mid November about CPR News being one of the recipients of a big CPB, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, (i.e. government) grant.
They have also (more than once) blown off questions about what they would do to meet the required standards of fairness, balance and accuracy (as well as what people could do if they felt CPR missed the mark).
That newsletter is linked first below if you want the context.
About a week later, I noted in Corey Hutchins' media newsletter that Rocky Mountain Community Radio, RMCR would be blessed with some of that sweet, sweet government money too. See the second link below.
In the newsletter you'll also see that, as part of a separate effort, RMCR, will be hiring a full time reporter to cover what Mr. Hutchins' termed "rural climate".
I took some screenshots from the newsletter to save some searching and flesh out to detail what I mean above. They are in the screenshots labeled "CPB" and "Climate" respectively. Note that the "CPB" screenshot contains some non-contiguous quotes. If you want to see more detail or the missing bits, take a quick second to read Mr. Hutchins' newsletter.
In reading about RMCR's money, the same questions I've had about this whole thing come up as they did when I read about the grant to KUNC, The Colorado Sun, and CPR: Who is accountable for the coverage that we taxpayers are helping to support? How do people speak up if they feel there's been an issue?
All the more important now that CPB no longer has an ombudsman and has basically kicked citizen concerns down to grant recipients instead of taking them and then investigating/talking to grant recipients.
But I had another question for RMCR. In my original reading, I was happy to see that RMCR would hire a reporter to cover rural climate. I initially took that to mean someone would be traveling the state reporting on the rural urban divide.
A second reading, however, coupled with some outside research leads me to think that I was wrong. The rural climate reporter will be just that, reporting on climate change in rural CO. Clearly a priority to residents in the rural parts of Western CO.
I reached out to the woman quoted in Hutchins' newsletter, RMCR Board President Breeze Richardson with my questions about both topics.
The questions I sent in after an introductory email exchange are attached in the screenshot labeled "email". I have not had a reply as of this writing. It's been long enough now that I doubt I will, but if that changes I will follow up.
Sadly, here we have the same exact silence as with CPR News. They're not bashful about taking money, but they don't want the accountability that ought to come with taking taxpayer money. Nor do they want to answer even the basic questions about it.
Keep that in mind when you read their lofty rhetoric about what they're doing.