Gas prices are going up, this time to "fix your damn roads". Concerned about the energy policy in this state and how it's being decided? So far reformulated gasoline hasn't made prices skyrocket.
I wrote a bit back about SB21-260 and where all those fees you're paying are going.
See the first link below if you want the context.
I wanted to share something related with you as a "sort of" update on fees you're paying nominally for our transportation system. The second link below is an essay put out on the Douglas County Republicans' website and it details the increases in fees you're going to pay for every gallon of gas.
Wait, I mean increases you've ALREADY been paying since July 1. Quoting the essay:
"Starting July 1, Coloradans will be hit with yet another grab to their take-home pay - this time at the pump. The state's road usage fee is set to increase from 3 cents per gallon to 4 cents per gallon, with the environmental fee portion set to more than double from 0.6 cents per gallon to nearly 1.3 cents per gallon. These fees are in addition to the already hefty 22-cent gas tax, bringing the total taxes and fees to nearly 28 cents per gallon."
These fees are not the same ones as those I wrote about earlier, though they clearly show the same movement: ever onward and ever upward.
And our roads are still crappy.
Concerned about the energy policy in this state and how it's being decided?
Do more than just get upset, speak up.
I got an email last week detailing some upcoming listening sessions by the Colorado Energy Office (CEO) and the Colorado Energy and Carbon Management Commission (ECMC--the group that's now on their third name and mission change that used to be the oil and gas commission).
This is a chance for the public to hear what they are up to and, more importantly, for the public to speak up and tell these boards what they think.
No, you needn't be an expert. You needn't be afraid. You just need to do the critical work of taking some time from your day to speak up so that these folks hear from more than just the usual cadre of environmentalists reading their prepared scripts.
Get on there and talk about the prices of oil and gas in this state and ask what their proposed regulation does to prices.
Get on there and ask about how much of our state funding comes from oil and gas and ask what happens when their regulations make it harder for more companies to get oil and gas (and thus revenue to be taxed).
Get on there and ask what their regulations do to those that make their living off of oil and gas exploration.
Get on there and ask if it is proper that unelected boards are making such weighty decisions outside of accountability to the public.
Or ask something that's closer to your heart.
If you are interested in attending virtually (or in person), you will find a table from my email with the relevant links in it below. Clicking on the link pulls up a PDF I printed and the links in the table will take you to the relevant signups and etc.
Speak up. Make your voice heard. Make your thoughts part of the discussion.
An important update: so far reformulated gasoline hasn't made prices skyrocket.
I have written more than once in the past about a predicted jump in gas prices as the EPA-mandated reformulated gasoline was going to be required in the Front Range (well, ozone nonattainment areas).
According to the Sun article linked below, prices are up, but not by the apocalyptic amount that I and others had predicted. I was wrong here and this is good news.
To wit, a couple quotes:
"Colorado’s average gasoline price was $3.41 a gallon Wednesday, according to AAA Colorado, up from $3.37 on Tuesday and $3.34 a week ago. Nationally, the average has bumped to $3.51 from $3.49, AAA regional spokesperson Skyler McKinley said."
"Colorado gas was $3.33 a month ago, McKinley said, and much higher a year ago at $3.76. Two years ago, as state markets were still recovering from an early 2023 Suncor refinery shutdown because of a fire, gasoline was approaching $5 a gallon, he noted."
So, it's up. It's not up near as much as feared.
A couple quick notes:
--It can still come up more and spike, both from dynamics I've written about before and from other influences on gas prices in general.
--There's nothing more delightful than the government (in this case the EPA) saying an increase in price is minimal. You know, maybe getting a cut that's not deep enough to need stitches is not as big a deal as getting one you need a doctor for, but I'd still rather not have a cut at all.
--Much as it pains me, I gotta go with Gov Polis here. I am not sure how much ozone benefit we're getting from this for our gas money.
Meantime, I am going to fill up outside the Front Range and be thankful that we've all (mostly) dodged a bullet.