Apprenticeships don't always mean construction trades. The thin end of the wedge on gentrification. Join a local board.
I want to put in another plug for considering post-secondary education and training OUTSIDE of getting a 4 year degree.
We all know that some sort of post-secondary training or education is a wise idea, but I think (hope?) that things are coming around such now that companies are starting to recognize it.
The Sun article linked below details using apprenticeships (as opposed to 4 year degrees) to fill tech jobs and some of the programs that are starting up to do it. Interesting read.
Note my warning: before signing on to anything, and MOST DEFINITELY before paying anyone anything, you should do you due diligence. That means understanding what you'll pay, what you'll get, and whether or not that has value in getting a job.
For the latter, I'd recommend not just taking any school or program's word for it either. If you're thinking of goin into any field you should be talking with companies and/or workers in that field. You should be looking at multiple places that offer training.
Still, in the spirit of the article below, that search for knowledge should expand beyond just going to college. There are a surprising number of programs that get you into good paying jobs with a future that do not involve college and they don't all involve turning a wrench or having grease under your fingernails.
Plug ended.
The thin end of the wedge on gentrification ...
Whether you live in the San Luis Valley or not, take a look at the first part of the article below. Having seen gentrification more times than I should have, I can tell you that the vanguard of it are artists.
And they move in for precisely the reason mentioned in the article below: it's cheap.
The "scene" they create is then followed by those with disposable income enough to buy their work who look around and say "Golly, you know this place has potential. Maybe we ought to consider building a vacation home here."
You know the rest of the story, including the run up of prices.
Despite the above, I'm not here to judge harshly. I know full well the reason that things are cheap down there are the same reasons they were cheap up where I live too. There's not much opportunity.
And when you have that lack of opportunity you take what you can get. I would. If I had the opportunity to get some work by helping renovate an old church to turn it into an artist colony, you better believe I'd be there early with my tool belt on.
Consider this, then, more a lament than a "shame on you". Consider it an acknowledgement of economic reality that may set in motion dynamics that end up pricing out those folks who were there on day 1 with their toolbelts.
San Luis Valley attracts artists seeking an affordable, creative Colorado (
Another example of what it looks like when rural areas have friction when tourism and other things come in. Economic development IS NOT free from consequences. Nothing is.
Join local boards
And now we bounce across the state to Moffat County so I can join the county in encouraging you to get involved in local boards. In fact, you should be giving this thoughtful consideration whether you live in MoffatCo or no. It isn't just that area that needs the voices of conservative Coloradans (and esp conservative Colorado women).
Let me take a quote from the Craig Press article linked below.
"While a common belief holds that the course of the future is often set by faraway politicians and leaders, local residents can — and often do — play a pivotal role in shaping the future of their community. One worthwhile way to contribute is by joining one of the many local boards and groups that champion various causes, initiatives and interests and often serve as the backbone of positive change within a community."
They're right, that's why I rarely stray into national issues here. Those are the things that light up a good deal of media, but media attention doesn't reflect reality well sometimes.
Changes there are years if not decades away. What a local board does has a huge effect on your day to day life.
To give you one simple example, consider the taxing district out near me that recently folded and decided to give the accumulated money it had back to the county (and eventually the citizens). That was millions of dollars returned and the decision was made by a group of local people who didn't have to undergo a costly election or have a part time job as a board member. See the second link below.
Consider getting involved in your local boards. Encourage someone you think should also be involved to think it over.
If I can help you by connecting you to resources to find out what opportunities there are and/or how to get involved, please ask. I am happy to. Please ask.
County encourages applications for local boards |
County banks $4.5M from water district, will issue property tax credit – Sterling Journal-Advocate