Heads up Western Slope: you are the CO Dem's target. If this worries you, get organized. Something fun from the garden.
The Democrats are going to start moving on local governments, particularly those in areas that used to be Red and are now turning purple.
Heads up Western Slope, I'm looking in your direction right now.
This is speculation on my part (I have no reference other than my intuition), but I have the distinct feeling that if we don't have it now, we'll soon see those big bucks from outside start flowing into local races, big bucks that will overwhelm anyone else that doesn't have the nod of the dark money machine.
What I put above may be speculation, but I want to show you why I have the intuition I do.
First, I point you to the CPR article linked first below. The Democrats are openly and clearly moving on local races they think will be fruitful. Things like, quoting the article, " ...commissioner races in Garfield, Pueblo, Alamosa, Grand, Chaffee, Douglas, Park and El Paso counties."
And they plan to build the same concrete pads, roads, and frameworks they did when they (with the help of other factors) made this state blue. See for example, the book, "The Blueprint".
I want you to put that infrastructure-building next to the network of out of state funding that already exists and dumps money into state level races (see, for example, the Sun article linked second below).
That is how I arrive at my intuition.
Whether I'm right or not, if you live in the areas that Dems are wanting (hell, even if you live in areas you think they don't stand a chance in), take note. Part of what led to Democrats' success last time was people sitting on their hands. I would say that making the same mistake twice would be a bad idea.**
I.e. don't sit on your hands.
There is one thing on your side if you live outside the Front Range: the demographics haven't quite caught up to where even outsized spending can have a big effect. Use that and start organizing now.
**See the post that follows this one.
Let's get organized.
In the previous post, I talked about the Democrats moving into areas of the state that they haven't colonized yet with the idea that they want to do there what they did along the Front Range.
In keeping with an orientation toward lighting candles rather than cursing darkness, I want to tell you something you can do about it.
If you are part of a group, be it politically oriented (say a group of conservatives in DougCo) or be it industry oriented (say a group of cattle producers near Craig), there is a way you can grow your group and gain more influence. I.e. there are resources out there to help you be more effective at what you're doing or wanting to do.
I want to especially mention this for people involved in Ag. If the state has been "gentle" on you so far, that's to a great extent due to the fact that they've been busy elsewhere.
For example, they're going hard at power plants for their greenhouse gas emissions. Once they have them beaten into submission, where will their gaze turn next?
Sooner or later, they'll come 'round to Ag. If you aren't yet, you should be gathering up people and getting your poop in a group so that when your turn comes, you have a bigger voice and can better fight.
If you're interested in tapping into resources that could help, please let me know. Message me or email and I'll connect you.
Apropos of nothing, a bumblebee hip deep in a prickly pear flower.
See attached. Recently taken in my garden.