Logan County opted out of the state's restriction on carrying firearms. Imagine if journalists covered abortion like they did guns. Don't know much about Adam Smith ...
Logan County opted out of the state's restriction on carrying firearms in government buildings.
I wrote back in late May about speaking to your local government to ask that they opt out of the new state law prohibiting carrying weapons in government buildings. I linked back to that newsletter first below if you want the context.
I spoke to my county commissioner, Jerry Sonnenberg, about this and he told me at the time that they were too late to debate and/or vote on the issue at their May meeting (there are requirements about how much notice needs to be given), but they'd revisit and vote at the June meeting.
That meeting was on the 4th (see the screenshot of the agenda from the second link below). I followed up with Commissioner Sonnenberg yesterday morning and he confirmed that the resolution did indeed pass; Logan County has opted out of the state's prohibition on carrying firearms in Logan County buildings.
If this issue is a passion for you, I urge you to speak to your county commissioners (as well as perhaps your other local government councils). Ask them to join Logan and Douglas in opting out.
In the meantime, I'd like to thank Mr. Sonnenberg for taking this issue up.
Imagine if journalists covered abortion like they did guns.
Imagine a world where the consequences of gun control policy were tracked and discussed as thoroughly as those of the elimination of Roe V Wade.
My recent op-ed below.
Don't know much about Adam Smith, and why would I want to know more?
I got the essay collection about Adam Smith (linked first below) from a reader the other day in an email. This reader heard about it when in an online meeting held by Americans for Tax Relief.
The collection is a project by the Competitive Enterprise Institute. In order to help you assess what you're reading, I linked to both the Americans for Tax Relief and Competitive Enterprise Institute "About" pages below.
Why share this? Why read it?
Let me share a quote from the last page of the essay collection:
"Adam Smith offers a calming influence to a world that could use it. To the extent that this essay collection helps to promote Smith’s vision of liberalism, free markets, and empathy, it can help the political conversation mature from adolescent chest-thumping into an adult conversation about ideas. A revival of Smithian liberalism would make people’s lives longer, wealthier, and more fulfilling. Three centuries after his birth, Adam Smith is as important
as ever for human progress."
Exactly. I shared this because I see (good Lord especially here in Colorado) encroachments into the fundamental idea underpinning our economy and culture for a long time now: erosion of the value that, with few exceptions, we are all better off when we engage in voluntary agreements with each other, when we have free exchange of ideas, goods, and services.
No other way of conducting the business of living has brought more prosperity and opportunity to more than this simple idea.
Knowing history, knowing how these ideas play out in the present are both good ways to prepare yourself to engage with those encroachments, to push back against such erosion.
That's why I thought this worth sharing and worth reading. If you're short on time, pick a section. Give it a read. Save the link and come back to it later.
How Adam Smith Can Change Your Life: An Unexpected Guide to Human Nature and Happiness https://a.co/d/aPPi38o