Let's start talking about 30x30 (if you know here's a chance to speak up). CPW's response to Gabel and Pelton. Speak up for local control unless you want Denver and Boulder running your life.
The 30x30 scheme and private land ownership.
I received an email recently from a reader who alerted me to a development worth sharing on the Biden Administration's 30x30 plan.
Now, in the interest of full disclosure here, there are a couple of notes here.
1. This is federal and I do not normally touch federal things. Still, land policy intersects with agriculture in this state and that is a big issue for me. So expect more here.
2. Relatedly, and on the "more" note, I must admit I know absolutely, positively NOTHING about this issue. I'm working to fix that, but understand that I am nowhere near to speaking with confidence or authority on this issue--on either side of it.
The only reason that I am posting now, is that an important opportunity for those that do know what they're talking about and for whom this is a concern is coming up.
The comment period on a major rule change was extended (see the attached screenshot) and you have an opportunity to speak up.
The extended comment period is not yet open (there are some legal hoops to jump through), so probably the best way for you to follow and keep abreast of changes is to go to the link below and sign up for updates.
In the meantime, I'll start learning and reading and post as I have more. Expect some posts along the lines of the ones I've done on Ranked Choice Voting; that is, expect that we'll be learning together (and the comments are open for those that feel strongly and have more to share).
I got an update from a reader. The comment period has now been defined: comments on the rule above will end on 1/18.
You can file your comments through the link below, and/or you might take a minute to contact Senators Bennett and Hickenlooper as well as your Federal Rep.
CPW's response to Mrs. Gabel and Senator Pelton.
After reading Mrs. Gabel's coverage on wolves (see the link below), I emailed her to see if CPW did ever get around to responding to what she'd written. She was gracious enough to share and the email response she got is attached as screenshot 1.
I also posted prior to my recent break about a letter my State Senator (Byron Pelton) had sent to CPW. That letter is in my post on it, linked second below.
Senator Pelton was also gracious enough to share the response he received from CPW director Dan Gibbs. I attached that as screenshots 2a and 2b (too big to be one picture).
Whether or not you agree or think they're being truthful or honest, I would recommend reading both responses. If nothing else, you'll learn the arguments they're making so you can better address them.**
**See my open letter tomorrow and a link for how you can sign up to testify at the CPW Commissioner's meeting in January.
Speak up for local control unless you want Denver/Boulder running your life.
With the population dynamics in this state, rest assured that a loss of local control, of anything, equates to living the way that liberals in Boulder and the Denver Metro area want.
One of the big stories from last year's Assembly session, at least one the press paid lots of attention to, was Polis' failed attempt at "fixing" housing with a power grab.
I'm not one for political horseracing or predictions, but you should expect that effort to come back.
This got me thinking about how efforts like this (efforts that strip yet more local control from your local government and transfer it over to the state), whether intentional or no, essentially move control from you and your local officials to control of Boulder and the Denver Metro.
You'll have, through your state senator or representative, the ability to speak up in the Assembly, but let's be realistic. This is a numbers game. Boulder and the Denver Metro are politically beyond left-leaning, and they have the numbers to do what they'd like.
Transit doesn't make sense in your area? Too bad. It's part of our climate strategy and you don't have any choice.
Don't like the idea of high-tension power lines, wind turbines, or solar on your property? How about carbon sequestration pipelines? Too bad. It's part of our climate strategy and you don't have any choice.
Don't want to have a house next to an apartment building? Too bad. As Will Toor, head of the Colorado Energy Office, says in the press release below, "Housing policy is key to reducing greenhouse gas pollution from transportation and buildings ... "
No matter the justification (climate is a handy and frequent one), there will always be a reason this HAS to happen. There will always be a reason this must be taken over by the state instead of being left to you and those who live near you.
What can you do? My best advice to you is to start now instead of waiting for the Assembly session.
Contact your state senator and rep, ask him or her to fight hard against any measure that strips local control.
Contact your county commissioners and municipal officials. Ask them whether or not your county/city is involved in any groups of local government (Colorado Municipal League is an example). Joining groups like these gives local governments more power since they are pulling together.
If your county/city is not, tell them to join. If they are in an association, make your wishes known and ask your local officials to forward your concerns to these organizations.
Being concerned is a good start. Doing something is better.
Do something.
Below is an essay (apparently the first in a series on Polis' roadmap for what he wants for Colorado so be watching for others if this is of interest) on Polis' land use and transportation plan.
This is a prime example of what I'm talking about above: removing decisions like this from local control and putting them under the authority of the state under the guise of "having" to do it.