CO's nanny state: you don't know what's best for yourself, you need nudging. Contrast CO's approach to power with NC's. Rep Kipp's forced electrification.
We don't now what's best for ourselves. We need nudging in order to do the right thing, be it appliances or perhaps what we drink or allow our child to drink.**
A trio of Front Range legislators who likely couldn't find (for some of you) where you live on a map of Colorado are putting forth a bill that will instruct us all on which windows we should have, which kind of air conditioners we should install, and which takes money from you to give to those that want heat pumps. The bill is linked first below.
I'm not going to state it unequivocally, but given the high costs of things like heat pumps (and the costs to retrofit (see my op ed with my own estimate linked second below--the numbers are about two years old so likely have gone up significantly since writing), I am pretty confident in saying that this sort of heat pump subsidy will end up looking exactly like the EV subsidies we've seen so far.
That is, it'll be money out of your pocket to give to wealthy Coloradans so they can feel that warm sense of climate righteousness.
Oh, and one more. This bill instructs utilities to give them preferred rates. The word "preferred" here is mine, but if you look through the bill and run what you see through your common sense, you'll get the gist of what's going on here (legislators would be breaking the law instructing utilities to put it at a certain price). Any guesses as to what will happen to prices for the rest of us if electrified homes get special rates?
I am all for installing energy efficient appliances and windows. To the extent that I could afford it, and that it makes sense for my family's life and lifestyle, such efforts are worth it in the long run.
What I am not in support of is efforts that come from hours away in the state capitol, that allow for no discretion and decision making on my part, and that take none of the constraints I live with into account.
Let me illustrate here with an example.
Because I did all the grunt work myself, I installed a high efficiency AC in my house along with duct work that had extra insulation. When it came time to charge the system with refrigerant and start it up, I faced a little bit of an issue because there was one (I repeat one) HVAC mechanic in my town that knew how to start and repair my kind of AC. Imagine what would happen if I lived in a region where there were none.
Assuming I could find a mechanic willing to travel, it's going to cost a lot.
And yet with bills like these, there is no provision for that.
This is nanny state, top-down, one size fits all policy we've come to know from the Democrats running this state. If this is something you'd like to speak on, it's up for committee 3/21. See the bill link.
One last additional little detail. Maybe you're thinking of installing a heat pump but you're nervous? Maybe you want a backup?
Check the screenshot attached from the bill's language. Sorry Charlie. According to the three legislators, when it comes to heat pumps you come home with your shield ... or on it.
**See the related content below.
I saw the following quote in the Axios article linked at bottom:
"'This is "nudge legislation" — we're trying to nudge people to do the right thing,' [Denver City Council Member Chris] Hinds says, likening the proposal to recent laws charging a bag fee or opting-in for food utensils."
And there you have it. This quote relates better than any words I can offer the attitude of many running Denver and in the Assembly.
You see, we don't now what's best for ourselves. We need nudging in order to do the right thing, be it appliances or perhaps what we drink or allow our child to drink."
Contrasting Colorado's All Renewables approach to the power grid to a (perhaps) more considered approach.
The video linked below is the intro to a new series by Independence Institute about Colorado's energy climate.
The intro was interesting and the series seems promising, but I want to narrow in on the 20:47 mark where the hosts contrast Colorado's renewables only approach to that of North Carolina.
I'll leave it to you to watch, but a simple change in priorities seems to me like it will end up having a huge effect on the outcomes for these two states.
Would that our policymakers had put commonsense and slower, but achievable-with-less-pain progress ahead of (to use the words I often hear by Progressive Democrats about what we need to do with regard to climate change) "setting an example", an example which those with sense would surely see as cautionary.
There are ways to protect the environment without putting our livelihoods and economy in danger.
I knew Rep Kipp was going to run some sort of forced electrification bill and so had been watching. I think the bill linked below is that effort.
I don't care that this bill makes electrification a choice made by local government.
I don't care that it's an interest-driven law, defined by the following quote from the bill summary, "The bill requires the Colorado energy office to issue a request for information by December 1, 2024, to solicit interest from local governments that are served by a dual-fuel utility (utility) in becoming a gas planning priority community (community)."
Further into the bill and the bill summary we arrive at the point:
"A neighborhood-scale alternatives project geographically targets decommissioning of a portion of the gas distribution system or avoids expanding the gas distribution system in order to serve new construction projects and provides substitute energy service to buildings within the project area that is cost-effective and reduces future greenhouse gas emissions required to serve buildings."
That is you could either find you no longer get gas at your existing building or that a new one you want to buy cannot have gas lines run to it.
Forced electrification, just done by a local majority instead of the state majority.
What if you wanted to keep your gas furnace? What if you really like the gas range you have and your hobby is cooking? What if you simply want to have an option besides a heat pump?
Sorry. If enough people in your county think you shouldn't ....
One last thing pointed out to me by someone I was discussing the bill with. You will get to pay for the privilege.
Again quoting the bill summary:
"The commission must allow the utility to recover costs incurred from the implementation of a neighborhood-scale alternatives project."
Maybe I'm jumping the gun here. I mean, how many times has Xcel not forwarded their costs to us and how many times have they turned down building new things so they can make a profit right?
This bill's up for committee on the 27th and I hope to be able to testify against it, mentioning these very points.