I am a mere(?) citizen of Colorado. I have an opinion. If I could express my opinion under the title of an article that identifies me as a "Commissioner of such-and-such governmental agency" will my opinion be considered with a bit, or maybe a lot, more weight? If I am savvy enough to place a disclaimer at the end of my opinion piece AFTER giving full voice in support of a contentious proposition (knowing full well that as a commissioner I really shouldn't be doing that) am I absolved of legal liability? Perhaps. Absolved of ethical or moral transgression? No, not by my own non-swampy measure anyway.
I attended the rally yesterday and am proud to say I did. Far from the barbaric creatures we are portrayed as, those attending represented many different disciplines of hunting and outdoors men and women, live-stock producers, wildlife and habitat conservationists, legislators who believe as we do... like-minded folks who are standing against the activist-driven attack on our western --- our Colorado --- heritage and way of life.
I am a mere(?) citizen of Colorado. I have an opinion. If I could express my opinion under the title of an article that identifies me as a "Commissioner of such-and-such governmental agency" will my opinion be considered with a bit, or maybe a lot, more weight? If I am savvy enough to place a disclaimer at the end of my opinion piece AFTER giving full voice in support of a contentious proposition (knowing full well that as a commissioner I really shouldn't be doing that) am I absolved of legal liability? Perhaps. Absolved of ethical or moral transgression? No, not by my own non-swampy measure anyway.
I attended the rally yesterday and am proud to say I did. Far from the barbaric creatures we are portrayed as, those attending represented many different disciplines of hunting and outdoors men and women, live-stock producers, wildlife and habitat conservationists, legislators who believe as we do... like-minded folks who are standing against the activist-driven attack on our western --- our Colorado --- heritage and way of life.