Thank you for illuminating this sophistry of Colorado officials. I live in NM and have done years of research on big game licenses allocations across the western states. The statistics on the big game tag allocations clearly show that CO and NM are extreme outliers in disenfranchising their resident hunters of big game tags and instead making them available to wealthy nonresident hunters. Only 55% of NM and 59% of CO elk tags are resident and public. The norm for all the other western states is between 88% and 92% resident and public.

CO and NM officials accomplish this the same way. Governors appoint game commissioners to pass rules to allocate the tags away from the public and residents to landowners, outfitters, and wealthy nonresidents. Wildlife is uniquely a state natural resource owned by citizens in each state for their benefit. This is the basic legal status of wildlife in the United States under the Public Trust Doctrine. If a private trustee were to take assets out of the trust and give it to non-beneficiaries like Polis and his CPW commission and NM guv Michelle Lujan Grisham and her game commission they would be in jail. What they are doing is as anti-progressive as can be imagined. Stealing from the people you represent. Literally robbing from the poor and entitled and giving to the rich and unentitled. With calculated precision and measurable result.

There is no higher fiduciary duty than that of a public trustee. Polis and Lujan Grisham and their commissions completely ignore their public trustee obligations. It is disgusting.

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Thanks for reading and subscribing. Do you by chance have sources on the data you reference? I say that not because I doubt, but properly sourced this would be worth sharing in its own post.

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