As you articulate the higher and higher costs of running businesses in CO, note the new emphasis in the legislature/ CO bureaucracy on mental health. The farmers need 'mental health' counseling (they argue due to the rise in suicides in the ag community). Mental health counseling will NOT cure being put out of business by the increasing costs of running a business (Farmer Bill of Rights, Food Safety, increasing costs for freight, costs of fertilizer, etc. Next they will say restaurant owners need mental health... Thanks for your insights and connecting the dots as these agendas continue to creep and degrade the business climate in Colorado.
As you articulate the higher and higher costs of running businesses in CO, note the new emphasis in the legislature/ CO bureaucracy on mental health. The farmers need 'mental health' counseling (they argue due to the rise in suicides in the ag community). Mental health counseling will NOT cure being put out of business by the increasing costs of running a business (Farmer Bill of Rights, Food Safety, increasing costs for freight, costs of fertilizer, etc. Next they will say restaurant owners need mental health... Thanks for your insights and connecting the dots as these agendas continue to creep and degrade the business climate in Colorado.
Thank you for reading and the kind words.