Really appreciate your posts.

The Universal pre-K was sold as a parent choice program. I think to treat religious schools differently violates that principle. Further, for the state to regulate content that violates those principles (“if you take our money you have to teach our values”), which I’m afraid will happen. Then religious schools will pull out and the state can say “it was their choice” not to help needy families. But that will be dishonest. The state will be attempting to coerce organizations to go against their values to participate in a program sold (in the enabling legislation) as “for all”.

We may see the same issue play out in the activities funding. This funding is desperately needed. Just this summer I moderated focus groups with TANF parents and they described how hard it is to never be able to afford to have even 1 of their kids play on a team or take lessons.

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Thanks for the reply. Thank you also for the second paragraph. Hadn't even considered that!

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