Update on the CO Energy Code Board. A minor error in Polis' tax plan that speaks to its rushed nature. And the first rule of holes.
The Energy Code board is moving right along with the one-size-fits-all state energy code. The code which will further affordability for housing by making houses more expensive to purchase.
The jury's still out re. whether over time the improvements pay for themselves. Depending on the change, there are arguments to be made that if you stay in it long enough you might get your money back. Things like more insulation and better windows, yes. Things like solar and setups for electrification? More speculative.
At any rate, I got an email the other day (see screengrab) that the Colorado Energy Office (the department that "houses" the Energy Code Board) will be holding some informational seminars on a couple parts of the new code.
It's a chance to ask questions as you have them. Questions, perhaps, such as, I don't know, "is this the proper role of government?".
If you'd like to sign up and ask a question, I put some links below.
First is the email of the administrator for the Energy Code Board if you have any questions about signing up, etc.
The second is the webpage of the Colorado Energy Office.
The third and fourth are links to the Zoom meetings mentioned in the email.
A minor error, and easily fixed, but the minor error points to a larger concern: the rushed nature of the (formerly?) Proposition HH.
Gov Polis' and the Democrats' attempt at a solution to the property tax problem, the referred measure Prop HH, is mislabeled. The labeling scheme for referred measures goes alphabetically in the order in which the referred measures are sent in, and this is the SECOND referred measure from the 2023 Assembly session.
It should thus be Prop II, not HH.
There are more details in the article below and you're welcome to read up on it. Aside from perhaps some minor confusion later (though who will remember what was called what by election day), this isn't a big deal.
It isn't a big deal save for the fact that the Democrats' rushed end to the session and disorganization speak volumes as to their ability to manage things and the quality of the policy we are getting.
What other wacky little errors are hiding in the policy coming out of the Assembly? I mean, if you can't get the counting right ...
Remember this too for when you read about how the Democrats (no way, nuh-uh, not ever) had all of this thought through from the beginning, and how this (no way, nuh-uh, not ever) was so well planned and was just waiting on negotiations to finish.
I mean, honestly guys, it was so well thought through and so very planned from the beginning that we got our I's and our H's confused.
First rule of holes: when you're in one stop digging.
The former child services worker out of Aurora who is facing (appropriately) civil and criminal trials for falsely reporting child abuse against an Aurora City Council member who called out her then partner is now facing a demand from a judge to either give some real evidence of a medical issue or show up to court.
More in the link below, but the upshot is that Niceta (the defendant) is claiming that she can't come to court to face the accusations against her due to a brain tumor. The evidence for this is sketchy and fishy at best.
This woman should get her day in court as any other person accused of something civilly and/or criminally should.
And, if she's found guilty, she should face the stiffest possible penalties there are. As I indicated before, this sort of thing is, on many levels and for many reasons, repugnant and a strong signal needs to be sent.