"Unmitigated scare mongering leads to ineffective political action". Remember you voted in the local officials that control property taxes ... and you can vote them out.
"Unmitigated scare mongering leads to ineffective political action"
The quote above comes from about the 4:11 mark in the video below.
I couldn't agree more (and I would expand this beyond just climate change, the topic of this particular video).
In the video below Bjorn Lomborg, someone who writes a considerable amount on climate change and someone who I agree with strongly on the topic, covers ways that we could easily be using the money we're spending on climate change to make life better for a whole lot of people right now, today.
People who, incidentally, often live under the crushing weight of poverty far worse than you'd find here in the States. People who, incidentally, die routinely from diseases that many people in the States aren't aware of because they're so rare here due to our better health care systems.
Think now about how this applies to our very own state: we don't live under a dome in Colorado and yet we are throwing money at climate change. We spend lots of money in taxes and higher prices to fund efforts that will net less than 1% reductions in an already (relatively) small amount of carbon that the US emits.
We could be putting those dollars to better use, but unmitigated scare mongering leads to ineffective political action.
When you start discussing property taxes with your local elected officials, you need to remember that these folks are voted in by you and accountable to you.
If you don't like what they're doing, speak up and work to make sure that they "seek perfection elsewhere". *
I have a love/hate relationship with recalls. I get it that voters can be frustrated (and especially those in the article below**), but I wonder if time and money are better spent on elections and proper.
Regardless of my thoughts on the matter, the point I want to make here is to speak up and get involved. If you approach your local officials about giving you relief on property taxes and find them not receptive to the discussion, do not leave it at that.
These folks are elected and are accountable. They can be replaced. Whether that's by recall (as in the case of the Louisville commissioner facing a recall election which closed yesterday for her comments and lack of action on providing relief to Marshall Fire victims--more in the link below) or by working to get them out at the next election, it doesn't matter.
What does matter is that you speak up and work to get people in there who will listen. .That's the benefit of living with the government system we have.
It's your money and no one else will take care of it for you. Speak up! Get involved!
*If memory serves, this is the euphemism that Jesuits use to describe someone who leaves the novitiate. They are "seeking perfection elsewhere". I like it and so borrowed it for this.
**Quick note: the recall election was on 10/3. This isn't really about the recall per se, but if you were curious to know, google it and see if it was successful.