Trying to catch up on coming healthcare policy, parents stealing from their kids, reining in metro districts.
Healthcare policy this year has taken a bit of a backseat this Assembly session.
I wish it weren't the case, but it is. We live in a finite world. I have put my attention to other things.
If you are passionate about health care policy, please accept my apologies. I put up the article below to alert you to a slew of new healthcare bills that will pop this Assembly session--one of which includes further strengthening the government's presence and interference in the insurance market. I've since seen (see the attached screenshot for details) other bills that, following the same pattern, insinuate the government further into the lives of Coloradans and the healthcare market.
Let me make you an offer. If you are passionate about health care policy and are tracking some bills, please take a sec and help us all out by adding to the comments.
If you learn later about something concerning, please send me a message on FB and I'll put up what you've got.
For my part, I am subscribed to Liberty Scorecard Colorado and so will keep getting updates on some bills, and I'll share as I have them.
Parents stealing from kids
I got the below forwarded to me by a friend. It struck me enough that I thought I'd take a pause from legislative stuff (a welcome break actually) to post about it.
The link is below and I took a screenshot of what the author thought parents steal. In thinking about this, I would add to the list, however. As both a parent and as someone who taught high school a long time (and college a shorter time), I have seen parents steal from their children more than once.
They steal their child's ability to make choices by never letting them make those choices (and learn from the consequences of them).
They steal their child's ability to grow and gain resiliency by fixing things when they go wrong for their child.
They steal from their child when they don't take the time to help the child properly frame what a loss or a win means.
They steal from their child when they don't make the child responsible for something--a chore, a job, paying for their own car insurance, helping to pay for their college.
Our children don't need an extended adolescence. They do not need to have the world massaged into safety and beauty and handed to them.
We don't need to hand our children crutches, we need to teach them how to walk.
Live in a metro district? Concerned about the, well to put it frankly, corruption that the boards have? Want to have something of a voice in the district?
If that applies, you should be supporting the bill below. If this isn't you personally, but you know someone in a metro district, forward the bill to them.
The bill is linked below along with an op ed by one of the sponsors. If you're like me, you'll want to follow up on the op ed with actual study on the bill itself; i.e. you'll want your info straight from the horse's mouth. Toward that end I took a screengrab of the bill's fiscal note to give you a sense of what it does.
By my reading, it increases transparency and puts in some much needed guiderails (along with opening up those boards to public comment) without substantially raising costs. My kind of legislation.
***By the time you read this it will likely be headed to the whole House for a vote so your best step to support it is to contact your Rep and/or Gov Polis and ask for their support.