Polis' wildlife priorities. Join me in speaking about them to the CPW this January. Agriculture and conservation are not contradictory.
Polis' wildlife priorities indeed ...
I saw the FencePost article and op ed by Ms. Gabel (she authored both actually) linked below at about the same time and they are on the same subject, so I linked to both below. They are both worth a read, though the FencePost article covers the topic in more depth.
What they discuss, in brief, are Polis' priorities for wildlife management for the near term. And, if you were thinking to yourself that they reflect the middle of the road spirit that has been the hallmark of the Polis administration to date (sarcasm alert), I have some bad news.
As is typical of Gov Polis, they tilt left, pretty far to the left actually.
Oh, and they will be quickly dismissed (if Polis is ever pushed on them which we all know won't happen by the Front Range mainstream press) as the work of the board and not the governor himself. You know the drill by this point. Oh that? No, you see that's the decision of the board, and, of course, we look forward to working with the various stakeholders throughout Colorado to achieve a solution that etc. etc. etc.
Some highlights ...
--Polis will be pushing to get wolverines into Colorado. Wolverines which have been proposed to be listed federally as a threatened species.
--Unless I've misunderstood Polis is seeking to have the killing of a wolf be approved by the director of the CPW.
--Polis will be seeking to get limits on trapping, with a limit on trapping animals for fur altogether.
--Polis is going to push for a legislative and/or regulatory action for conservation of ... drumroll ... prairie dogs. Let me offer some context on a couple of the things apparently in play if you're not too familiar. Do prairie dogs ever appear to NEED conservation efforts to you? They are everywhere! Also, and if you don't raise cattle you may not be aware of this right off, but their holes can be quite a hazard to cattle and costly to ranchers. Nonetheless Polis is seeking to get conservation efforts underway.
--Part of that prairie dog "conservation" effort will (if the gov has his way) include making it easier to override local control and restrictions on where prairie dogs can be moved.
In thinking this over, I think this is something else I want to speak on. I have written in the past about the creep of animal rights into wildlife management in the past (and I've also written about how similar policies will affect Ag).
I looked up the CPW comments page--3rd link below--and will be signing up to offer comment in January. The agenda and sign up will be posted on Jan 2nd and so I'll sign up then. If I'm not able to do the meeting virtually, I think I will send written comment.
If this is a passion for you, I urge you to speak up too. I'll update when closer and have something to share.
Ag and conservation are not contradictory, in fact, they go hand in hand.
I want to stay on the topic of Ag and management (this time with land) for one more post. The FencePost article below is an older one, but worth a read.
The main points for me (and, I hope, for you too) is that conservation and management are not exclusively things in the realm of environmentalists nor animal rights activists, they can be done multiple ways.
And also that agriculture is perfectly compatible with management and conservation.
Ag producers are mindful of husbanding the land they have because it's their business to do so. I also know that for many the land is seen as valuable for more than just money and so sentiment plays a part too.
If we are thoughtful, we can have conservation of natural resources AND agriculture, as evidenced in the article below where a diverse group, quoting the article, "...ranchers, the Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Forest Service, CSU Colorado Natural Heritage Program, Colorado Parks and Wildlife, The Nature Conservancy, the Upper Gunnison River Water Conservancy District, BIO-Logic and Zeedyk Ecological Consulting ...", worked together to restore degraded meadows.
To do so, however, everyone will need a seat at the table and we need to make sure that no one interest group gets to dominate our states policymaking boards.
Helping ensure this means those who are in production Ag and those of us who understand enough** about it to be able to effectively advocate will need to speak up.
I encourage you to do so if you've not started. If I can help with ideas, please ask.
**What I do not know about production agriculture could fill a warehouse, I'm not putting myself out as an expert. I am saying I know enough to know that production ag is not on its face harmful nor are the people involved mindless and heartless.