Get a HS diploma at a community college? CO's oppressive regulatory climate. Polis snubs Ag again.
A bill allowing you to get a HS diploma at a community college.
It's sad, but it's a fact that many good bills coming out of the Assembly, the kinds of bills we'd probably see more of if we had a balance of political control by parties in this state, get overshadowed by the ones that are controversial in some respect.
Sad, but the way it is.
Still, when the opportunity comes to support a bill that is good, bi-partisan policy, we should take it. Even if the support is not needed (like it likely isn't here), you can still watch the bill and see a little example of how things ought to be.
The article below talks about SB 7, a bill that lets people who meet certain criteria get a HS diploma from a community college (skipping the other route of GED or similar).
One of the things that determines ones opportunities in life is one's education level and a HS diploma is a hugely important step in that direction. Allowing adults without one to have a clear path toward getting a HS diploma is a good thing.
If you're interested in more than just watching how the system should run, go to the bill's page linked second below. The easiest way to see where it's been and where's it going is to scroll down the page and click on the "Bill History" tab (see the screenshot).
If we want economic growth and to attract businesses here (or encourage them to start) shouldn’t we be making it easier?
The quote above from the Colorado Chamber of Commerce press release below is about the bill linked below the press release.
”Over the past 4 plus years our state has embarked on a binge of new rules, regulations, laws, policies for business. Their number has grown right alongside our government.”
The bill below is another example.
I'm not unsympathetic to the aims of the bill. When I was an undergrad in college I had a variety of joe jobs: I delivered pizza, I worked for a catering company, I ran parts for an auto repair shop.
My schedule varied sometimes. I got sent home early sometimes. I'd work late at a job one day and have to be up early at another job the next. It wasn't always a bed of roses.
That's life sometimes. Not all jobs are careers. Not all jobs are pleasant. And if your job doesn't fit, you are fortunate enough to live in the kind of economy where you can find another (e.g. I always was clear with employers that during a school semester, I had less flexibility).
It's okay to have some guardrails on our economy. I'm not a believer in completely laissez-faire economics.
Those guardrails ought to be few and far between, however. Much fewer and much farther between than this bill and all the more so given the context of other state law this would plunk down in the middle of.
I mean, we did want to have businesses other than corporate giants here right? We did want economic growth?
Check the bill page for where the bill is if you're interested in advocating (or send the link to someone you think will be).
How many times did Polis mention Ag (our second biggest state industry) in his State of the State address? If you guessed no more than once … you’re right!
I saw something that said Polis mentioned housing 37 times in his state of the state address.
I asked this individual how many times he mentioned Ag. If you're familiar with Polis, and not one of his fans, I'm guessing you know the answer.
More below.