Funneling more money to the education bureaucracy, bill to hit drug dealers harder advances.
When they say that they're wanting to funnel more (and more, and yet more) money into education in this state, do you figure they mean by reshuffling budget priorities the way you and I and every family in this country does or do you think they mean taking more of your money?
Yeah. That's what I thought too.
The Chalkbeat article below details the formation of a new group to focus on getting more money to education. Hold on to your wallets because beside the point I make above, I want you to look at the attached screenshot from the Chalkbeat article.
Not thinking big enough indeed. It's always easy to go big on someone else's dime.
There is absolutely nothing wrong or bad about being concerned over the never ending flow of money to education in this state.
It's perfectly reasonable to question the fact that the money only ever comes from taking more and not restructuring/reprioritizing what we do with the taxes already collected (whether used for education or no).
It is perfectly reasonable to question whether or not throwing more money into a broken system will result in change or not.
Do not let all the "Think of the Children!" rhetoric in the world sway you from that conviction and keep watching because this group will be coming for more of your money soon.
p.s. In the article it mentions that this effort was funded by some out of state money. I reached out to the reporter to see who it was that funded this effort (because that info was not shared in the article directly).
I heard back and got the names and websites of the groups. The groups are Child Care NEXT and Care Constellation. The sites for these groups are linked second and third below.
An update on the bill to put drug dealers in prison by Senators Pelton and Mullica.
I posted in the past about the bill linked first below. It increases the penalty on drug dealers who sell poisons like fentanyl if those drugs end up causing the death of someone who uses them.
I supported the bill then and am glad to tell you that the bill passed its first committee hearing and is on to the Senate as a whole for a vote. Depending on the calendar, the bill may still be waiting a full vote or it may have passed to the House. To find out, click on the "Bill History" tab at the bottom of the bill page link.
One last thing. Take a look at the screenshot attached. It's from the Denver 7 article linked second below.
I don't know how to respond to reasoning like that.