Eagle County Schools screws up the parent permission for a controversial show. Wait, the CO Water Conservation Board needs DEI goals?
Next time you hear someone laugh or scoff over concerns about students being pushed into drag shows or discussions about transgenderism without their parents' knowledge, remind them of the below.
I'm not saying it's common. I don't think that it was done intentionally.
I think a sense of perspective should also be maintained here: I don't think anyone here is permanently damaged.
But it can happen and has happened.
The Eagle County School Superintendent recently had to issue an apology over students being taken to a performance at the local arts center which included controversial content. Per the usual rules, parents should have been informed and had a chance to opt out.
They didn't get that chance.
I think that the explanations given in the article are reasonable enough. That is to say, I think this is the result of a mistake. The permission form didn't get written correctly and/or distributed. The arts center wasn't aware of all the details of the performance and/or it didn't get clearly communicated.
While I don't think that this was intentional, it still points to a couple things for me:
1. You as a parent need to watch closely what your school does and communicate frequently with your child as to what he or she is learning.
2. Students getting exposed to controversial content without their parents' knowledge and consent can and does happen. It may not be common. It may not be horrible. But it ain't no conspiracy theory either.
Why does the Colorado Water Conservation Board need DEI goals?
I'm all for the board including the voices of a diverse group of Coloradans from a broad base of perspectives. We all need water after all.
But, and maybe this is just me, I get a little itchy when I see a state board is furthering its DEI goals. See the attached screenshot. It comes from the interview linked below with a member of the State's Water Conservation Board.
One could make the argument that something like making sure that the water board's materials are available in Spanish, or reaching out to the Indian tribes in the Southern part of the state are work falling under the general heading of inclusion. If that were the case, I'd be less inclined to be skeptical here.
If you read the interview and look carefully at the screenshot, however, I get the sense that there is more to the DEI goals the board has.
This would be the point at which I point out to you that you should be trying to get on state boards. That your conservative voice is direly needed as counterpoint--someone in the room that asks, "why are we doing this on a water board?" or "is this the proper role of government?"
If you haven't yet, please give careful consideration to getting involved in something. There is a board like this for every taste and area of expertise. They often don't take a huge commitment.
If you want to get involved and don't know where to start, let me know. I can connect you to folks who can help you.