Doubling down on updates. First, I heard back from the Front Range Rail, here's how you speak up. Second, thirsty DougCo appoints an RWR rep to its water board.
Updating on Front Range Rail
I posted earlier on Front Range Rail (see the link below) and promised and update if I heard back re. opportunities for public engagement.
Did hear and so the email I received is copied below with links intact.
Speak up if you're in the taxing district. It is YOUR money.
The number one thing people should do is visit the website and subscribe to the mailing list. We’re aiming to send out eblasts approximately every 1 to 3 months, so that’s a great way to stay in the know and to receive information about formal input opportunities. We intend to have a public webinar before the end of the year – which we’ll publicize through the eblast.
Community members are always welcome to submit a comment through the website or to speak during public comment at our Board meetings.
In late Spring 2024, we anticipate having a robust Alternatives Analysis for the public to review and to provide comment on.
We are always interested in meeting with community and stakeholder organizations and are happy to fulfill requests for briefings.
And another update, this time on DougCo's effort to take water out of the San Luis Valley (SLV).
I saw the article linked below recently and I thought it would be time to update on DougCo's efforts to get more water out of the SLV.
I wrote a bit about the group (Renewable Water Resources--see the previous post here) trying to take water out of the valley and how very close they are to doing so.
Seems they got yet another boost by looking at the appointees to the new DougCo water commission. In particular, take a look at the appointee I underlined in the attached screenshot.
Yeah, interesting that someone from the effort to take SLV water would be on the board (you learn later in the article too that Renewable has been spraying money all over the campaigns for boards in DougCo like the Parker races).
I'm not much on political horseraces, but I do feel confident in this assertion: if the influence and desires follow the money it's clear that Renewable is making a big play.
Put this against the last update about the SLV groups banding together against exporting water and I bet this will be a big fight, as I think we'll start to see more and more in this state.
More in the article.