Death by a thousand cuts for the Second Amendment in Colorado. Dem's love of TABOR an election-year ploy (based on a new vote). An open letter re. city-run drug use sites.
Stay involved and watch out for your Second Amendment rights. They are being nibbled away to nothing.
A whole slate of gun control bills has just been introduced in the Assembly.
Everything from the old (the one that prevents people from firing guns on their own private property in rural areas--likely as of this post cleared the House and on to the Senate) to the new which you can read about in the screenshot.
By the way, the screenshot you see attached is from an email I received by joining the mailing list of the Colorado State Shooting Association.
I have watched the material they send out, I have seen an interview with one of the members of their leadership and they strike me as a pretty reasonable organization that is out there working to organize people and help defend our Second Amendment rights.
I would recommend joining their mailing list so that you can stay up to date on the gun control bills as they are introduced and start the process of becoming law.
If you are able you might also consider a contribution to them (or becoming a paid member) so that you can directly help fund what I'm sure will be a big fight and likely some court battles.
The link to their site is below. I will also try to stay up on the bills because I'd like to be involved too.
***IMPORTANT: links for the three new bills below.
Democrats show that their recent love affair with TABOR was indeed an election-year ploy.
When it comes to judging someone's intentions, I think we all know what to pay attention to. "By their fruit shall ye know them."
Despite a big ol' family gathering of Democrats to cheer their early tax refunds last year, the Democrats running this state have gone back to their default mode of refusing to countenance anything that would make government take less.
I mean, golly, it's enough to make a cynic out of me. Do you mean to tell me that that whole business of urgent relief to Coloradans due to high inflation was just a political ploy? Do you mean to tell me that Polis (who has his fingers deep deep in the legislative pie), the same Polis who said he was in favor of eliminating the income tax, was not being straight with us?
The op ed below details how HB23-1063, see the screenshot, failed to get out of committee.
Ah well, try again next election year Rep Bottoms. You might have better luck.
An open email to the sponsors of HB23-1202 and the House Public & Behavioral Health & Human Services Committee about city-run drug use sites
I posted earlier about HB23-1202, the bill euphemistically titled Overdose Prevention Center Authorization
This bill (linked below) is up for committee on the 1st. I had hoped to testify but will be in class, so I wrote an email. If you find this particular policy as objectionable as I do I urge you to join me in advocating against it. If my email can help in some way, please feel free to use any or all.
Email follows.
An open email to the sponsors of HB23-1202 and the House Public & Behavioral Health & Human Services Committee
Hello all,
My name is Cory Gaines and I am a resident of Logan County. I am writing today in opposition to HB23-1202. I had hoped to testify remotely at the hearing, but my schedule does not allow it. If anyone on the committee wants to quote from this letter in the hearing, please feel free.
I won't beat around the bush or waste anyone's time with flowery language. I find this bill morally repugnant.
My mother, after a few years as a nurse, went back to school to study public health and got her graduate degree. One day she showed me a video that she and other students had watched for one of their classes. It was a series of instruction videos on IV drug use (how to cook up your drugs, how to filter them, how to safely inject them, etc.). This video was for use in training public health professionals in those areas that have safe injection sites.
I remember asking myself why don't we just shortcut the process and have trained professionals just go ahead and do the cooking and injecting. I feel the same way about this bill. What in the world are you allowing governments to do with this bill?
Is there really a big difference between this and an endorsement of drug use? I think that we are aiding and abetting behaviors that cause harm, and it makes me upset to think that even one cent of my tax dollars would be used for this purpose.
If the argument is that it will save lives, I could offer you a dozen other expedient policies that would also save lives and that would be equally morally reprehensible.
I urge the sponsors to withdraw this bill and I urge the committee to vote no.
Thank you for your time.