Counterpoint on the Parched podcast. Trying to untangle the workings of the CO Democrat machine. An active shooter stopped by an armed citizen (which we hear nothing about in the mainstream media).
Some counterpoint on the media's take re. water in the Southwest.
I like to present things here that give a different, contrary take to the one you will hear in traditional media. I don't know that I always agree with them entirely, but it's part and parcel of something I know I've harped on numerous times. You should be reading widely and getting information on the same topic from a variety of sources.
Toward that end I present the below, an essay on the Colorado Public Radio series "Parched" about water in the Southwest. If water and drought in the Southwest are an interest, I'd recommend listening to the series and reading the essay both.
One last thing before signing off, a frequent gripe I have about podcasts from NPR and CPR (and they mention it in the essay--who, after all, doesn't like seeing things that confirm your beliefs whether right/wrong or fair/unfair?) is that their conclusions are facile. Too easy. The lines they draw between things are too straight.
All the more reason for you to make sure that you're taking the time to travel the other lines between things. Read widely.
An update on CompleteColorado's effort to follow the emails behind Colorado's Democrat political machine.
Colorado hasn't by any means hit the level of corruption that was present in the political machines of years past, but they have certainly hit the same level of alignment of groups and interests that fall under the umbrella of Democrat politics.
I say this with some note of jealousy too. After all, I wish the conservatives in this state were this organized. It's not that I like the backroom dealings, but some level of parity and power sharing (even at the cost of having a functioning political machine) would be nice.
Complete Colorado has been chasing down details on the behind-the-scenes maneuvering and dealing that went into some of the medical legislation and mudslinging this past Assembly session.
Finding themselves blocked by the department whose emails they seek, they decided it's worth the time and effort to go to court. I cannot wish them enough luck.
First, a victory here is a victory for everyone that favors transparency (whether or not you agree with the politics at play). We need more case law around what people can force the government to share. The government also needs to occasionally get punched in the nose to remind them that they don't get to automatically deny CORA requests on the assumption that the requesting party will slink away.
Second, I don't know that (outside of CFOIC relaying the story) I don't know of anyone else that is covering things like this. I'm glad someone is watching the sorts of things that the liberal news outlets ignore.
I'll update as I hear more. You might also, if you're not doing it now, make a visit to Complete Colorado's news aggregator and page 2 sites a regular on your To Do list.
An active shooter stopped by an armed citizen—and the media ignore it.
Because the mainstream media will not show things like this.
Because it's important to note that it can and does happen.