CO Dems and rabid environmentalists drive up prices in CO--3 examples. Polis and other CO Dem snub rural CO because they can. If you live in a rural area and a Dem is courting you, keep this in mind.
And when life gets more expensive in this state, when you pay more for space, for food, for energy, remember that you have the rabid environmentalists with their singular focus on ONLY the environment to thank (and the Democrats who cater to them for their votes).
A series of three important rules and decisions came down recently and, since they're all thematically related, I put them in the same post. I chose that also because, by putting them together it paints a picture you might not get seeing them singly.
--A project to take oil from Utah to refineries further East was put on hold by a judge who ruled after environmentalists sued (and our own Senator Bennet and Rep Neguse got in the mix too, by the way), saying the review process was not thorough enough and they were concerned about spills. Decisions like blocking the transport of oil drive up fuel prices because, without our own supplies, we're at the mercy of global markets for oil.
--Xcel will be charging you more for electricity to help fund the closure of coal-fired power plants in Colorado (some of which are still not paid for fully) due to state law passed by Democrats at the behest of environmentalists.
--The Air Quality Control Commission recently passed a regulation on large buildings (anything above 50,000 ft^2) in the state that requires a list of costly regulations and changes. Costs which will almost certainly be passed to tenants: the businesses and people that rent that space. And from the businesses, they'll be, you guessed it, passed to us.
When it costs more to live here, remember who pushed for it and remember who made it policy. Remind others.
Why does Polis snub rural CO?
Because, as Sondermann notes in his op ed below and as I agree with, he can. Simply put, electorally the regions outside of the Front Range do not matter to the Democrats running this state.
They should, but they don't.
Polis, the nominal head of the Democrat party in this state, and every other Democrat running in it knows that rural areas could vote as a block against them and not seriously dent their electoral majorities.
This reality flies in the face of Polis claims of "Colorado for all".
This reality flies in the face of the propaganda and "feel good" things Democrats tell you.
This reality should give pause to anyone in an area OUTSIDE the Front Range who is courted by a Democrat wanting to represent them.
Are they really going to represent you? Are they going to amplify your voice in the Capitol?
Think carefully. Vote carefully.
If one arm of the party really doesn't give a tin s**t about you, is the other arm going to?