Asking Gov Polis to show us all "the data", and a look behind the spin on the Colorado Option.
An open email to Gov Polis and his press secretary on his claim that the ERPO's work better than Assault Weapons Bans
I wrote earlier about our "data-driven" governor and heard another of his data soundbites shortly thereafter.
I decided to check him and his press secretary on this one. I sent the email below to both.
I am guessing I'll get the same response I got when I asked similar questions about COVID, that is no response at all, but if I hear back, I'll update.
Good afternoon Governor Polis and Mr. Cahill,
My name is Cory Gaines and I'm a resident of Logan County.
I'm writing re. the video segment linked below. I refer you specifically to the 3:13 mark where you claim (quoting you):
"We specifically, looking at the data, uh, believe that extreme risk protection order can work better [than an assault weapons ban]."
You have frequently in the past referred to yourself as data driven (and/or as following the science). I want to hold you to your claim and ask what data specifically you are using to inform your claim above.
Don't get me wrong, I do not believe in either the efficacy or rightness of so-called "assault weapons" bans. I have no interest in pursuing nor advocating for one.
As a science teacher, however, I do have an interest in transparency and a respect for the basics of science both of which dictate that if you make a claim such as yours, you should make the information you base your claim on public as well.
This is not something you did during COVID (I asked then as well to no answer), and I am hoping that this time around you will do better.
Thank you for your time,
If you’re clever (brazen) enough, you can make it so the numbers say anything.
Numbers are out on Colorado's new health insurance plan, the Colorado Option, and it turns out that it's both a success and a dud.
Depending on who you ask.
According to the state, the Colorado Option exceeded estimates for signups by having 35000 people sign up! Pretty good I'd wager, and, as the article has it, something to be touted " 'surpassing the original enrollment goals,' [a quote by Polis on the topic] and Colorado Insurance Commissioner Michael Conway said in a statement that enrollment “far surpassed my hopes for what we would achieve in our first year.”
In fact, according to the state which I DON'T think published expectations ahead of time and thus is free to say whatever they'd like now, the signups for the Colorado Option more than doubled what they originally figured.
This seems good, that is, until you put the numbers in perspective and note that, even with the boost of the State unfairly favoring its plan in the listings, more than 87% of the people who signed up for plans in the most recent open enrollment. Hardly a surprise if you ask me, the Colorado Option is not the cheapest and it has no flexibility to meet people's various needs--typical of government efforts in the marketplace.
The state is not wrong or (I assume--as I say above, no one put out their expectations ahead of time) lying in their claims, but reading in further, asking for relative numbers paints a far different picture.
Make it a habit to ask yourself what you're seeing when you look at numbers. They may be big or small, but as a rate, the picture's different.