A two-fer on property taxes (including counterpoint on Polis' new referred measure), and sneaking local control of pesticides into a bill about ... yep ... appliances.
Property taxes two ways—the last installment of Mr. Murrey’s excellent series on property taxes and then a look at Polis’ new referred measure to cut the coming property tax increase.
The last in the excellent video series on property taxes by Mr. Murrey from the conservative-leaning Independence Institute.
Worth a watch. Mr. Murrey details what he thinks would be a good solution to the problem and which of the proposed initiatives he covered in the previous installment comes closest to his dream solution.
Worth a watch and a share if you know someone who would appreciate a brief, but good, layman's terms education on the topic.
and now …
Some counterpoint to Polis' plan to rein in escalating property taxes.
If you've been reading this site over a long enough time, you've seen (and I hope have benefited from seeing) Mr. Murrey's excellent series on property taxes.
Gov Polis recently made a concrete proposal re. property taxes. One of the many stories out is linked first below.
In the interest of counterpoint, I again turn to Mr. Murrey who has put out an op ed on same.
It's linked second.
I'd recommend reading both.
Sneaking an amendment about local control of pesticides into ... an appliances bill.
***TIME SENSITIVE: if you want to speak up do so now as the bill is on the floor of the Colorado Senate, having passed the House. Write or call your state senator and ask for a no vote on this appliances bill with the pesticide amendment.
I feel bad that I let this issue slip completely by, but there's been a pretty good sized tug of war in the Assembly over "local control" of pesticides. If you know anyone in ag or if you're involved yourself, you'll already know why this is a bad idea. If not, the FencePost article below, and look at the excerpt I put in the screenshot.
Adding in a failed "local control" of pesticides in an amendment on a bill relating to appliances strikes me as an attempt to sneak it back in somewhere without getting too much attention. Sneaky and not okay in my view.
If you think this is as bad an idea as I do, the best thing you can do now is to call (today) your state senator and tell him or her to vote no on this amended form of the bill.