A primer on polls, a free way to help prevent catalytic converter theft, the semiautomatic gun (oops, they call it "Assault Weapon") ban bill committee hearing moves its time.
Questions you may have had about how polls are done and etc, in the past but were afraid to ask.
I have touched on the topic of polls and some of the mathematics, etc. involved in the past.
I came across the interview below and thought I would share. Decent enough, layman's terms intro on the topic and done in audio.
A FREE way to help prevent catalytic converter theft.
Catalytic converters are a juicy and tempting bit of fruit for thieves. The amount of theft has risen so high that the state is now linking people to free kits which will etch a unique code into your converter and reduce the chances of theft.
Details and links are in the article below.
**Note that you can get these kits whether or not you live in the Denver Metro, and you needn't be a mechanic to install one. If you absolutely, positively have no way to do it yourself, get the kit and have your mechanic slap it on at your next oil change.
The Semiautomatic (they call it "Assault Weapons") ban bill committee hearing has moved times.
If you signed up to testify, you likely already have received an email, but in case you didn't plan to testify in person because the timing didn't work, just a quick update that the hearing for the so-called Assault Weapons Ban bill has moved.
It is still on Wed 4/19, but the time moved up to 9:30 AM.
Depending on when you look at the bill link below, it may still have the old time (it did when I checked yesterday), but when you go to sign up the new, correct time shows up.
Speak up for rights before you find them gone.